Author Topic: Need help finding a cool font  (Read 1071 times)

I been trying my hardest (I did google, like thousand of times) on finding the exact font used in this picture:

The closet I found is Bitdust2, but that isn't the exact. :P

Please tell me what font was used.
I will subscribe (If you have YT account) the person who helps. :3
I tried that and nothing.
I also checked on other fonts website before posting this topic. :(

Well I just looked through like 40 pages of fonts, with no luck.

UPDATE 1: I'll speak to the creator of the remake of the game POLYBIUS (The title of the game that the font is used, and it is in all caps) about the font. Wish me luck. :3 (This might take a while)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 02:57:22 PM by Beanisawsome1 »

Um... I don't recall seeing Comic Sans MS while playing POLYBIUS. xD

The font isn't a font, it's hand-drawn.

Well, that's what it looks like.

They are helping you.
Sorry. xD
I can get pretty impatience at times. :P

The font isn't a font, it's hand-drawn.

Well, that's what it looks like.
It's actually is a font. :P