Author Topic: Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?  (Read 41829 times)

Wow, even though Ichverbot/IBan is gone, his drama topic lives on.

I thought the B was supposed to be capitalized?

I thought the B was supposed to be capitalized?
Nah, just the I

"Introducing apple's newest product, the iBan! It can hold 100,000 songs, burn babies, and can loveually harass girls all on its own!"

"Introducing apple's newest product, the iBan! It can hold 100,000 songs, burn babies, and can loveually harass girls all on its own!"
Don't forget store personal information on everyone it comes into contact with!

Ronin is right! Get a hold of yourself Bloody Mary, open your eyes to the truth!

The cold, secret and slightly lovey truth

"Introducing apple's newest product, the iBan! It can hold 100,000 songs, burn babies, and can loveually harass girls all on its own!"
Don't forget store personal information on everyone it comes into contact with!

um my iPhone can already do all of that and more,

um my iPhone can already do all of that and more,
My android can do more more than the more your iPhone can do.

My android can do more more than the more your iPhone can do.