Author Topic: Oh look. A new board.  (Read 1008 times)

Development. Looks like it will be rather helpful, too.

EDIT: It seems only Badspot (And maybe Kompressor) can start threads in the board.

41st board.
Picture for the lazy friends.

Oh yeah, IP bans are lifted, welcome back Iban.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 05:21:19 PM by mp7964 »

Holy crap, there is!

Bravo for discovering this awesome board.

Looks like new developments on the Blockland Forums!

it'd be funny if someone tried to make a thread by replacing the board ID in the make a thread URL with development's ID(41.0) but there are probably things in place on SMF to make that impossible

it'd be funny if someone tried to make a thread by replacing the board ID in the make a thread URL with development's ID(41.0) but there are probably things in place on SMF to make that impossible
Only one way to find out

Would be pretty funny if it worked and I got banned within an hour of registering for being a 1337 haxx0r.

lol @ mp7 trying to change the URL from 14 to 41 instead of editing the form data with chrome.

lol @ mp7 trying to change the URL from 14 to 41 instead of editing the form data with chrome.

lol @ mp7 trying to change the URL from 14 to 41 instead of editing the form data with chrome.

Shaddap. That was just posting in the wrong board. I will now use that topic for something.

Shaddap. That was just posting in the wrong board. I will now use that topic for something.