Author Topic: Hawf draws stuff  (Read 110684 times)

I'll be posting stuff I make here from time to time.
full gallery and stuff
tumblr for those interested
T-shirts I designed

Self Portrait

expect frequent updates
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 01:08:06 PM by tommy631 »

i feel cheated
some of those were models and one was a sculpt

i feel cheated
some of those were models and one was a sculpt
get over it, my thread my rules

I like your art style minus ponies.

EDIT: I would like to point out I take back this comment, I've treated the entire community like stuff, and I apologize
None of you deserved any of this and I never really had the right to bring a lot of you down on this.

However the rant will stay here for those interested.

I like your art style minus ponies.
forget you, I've heard this more than enough

You want the things I enjoy creating to conform to your idea of what is and isn’t considered the correct use of my abilities? You know what, I’m sorry, but you can honestly go forget yourself.

I don’t see the things I create as me wasting my talent, because I do what every other artist in the world does; I create what I enjoy. I’m sorry if my tastes are not to your standards. Why don’t you give me a checklist of all the subject matter you think is inappropriate, so I can go through it before I even start drawing, just to make sure I’m not “wasting” my talent on things you don’t personally approve of.

And some might say, “Well by drawing X, you’re limiting your audience, so your talent is being wasted by only appealing to a small amount of people.” So what are you saying? The things I enjoy drawing should conform to a subject matter that panders to a wider audience? forget that stuff. And forget you if you think that.

I’m not here to make you feel comfortable, nor am I here to pander to as many people as possible and draw artwork that everyone can enjoy. This “wasting your talent” bullstuff is nothing but a bunch of condescending fake sympathy towards artists.

If you want me to draw something specific, give me a request or commission when I take them. But don’t bother getting your panties in a bunch when I draw things that you don't like, because I simply don’t care

I'll draw the ponies If I want and I'll post them as I see fit, If you don't like it leave.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 01:10:31 PM by tommy631 »

I too hate ponies, but he has a point.

I too hate ponies, but he has a point.
You're damn right I have a loving point. I don't care what anyone thinks of my art. I ESSPECIALLY will not take any stuff from the Blockland community of all things. Frankly this whole place has been dead to me since 2009, I'm just making another outlet for my art.

Nothing more, nothing less

Here have one of my personal favourites

What tool do you use to make all of these? it looks like a waterbrush effect thing or something

What tool do you use to make all of these? it looks like a waterbrush effect thing or something
The calligraphy brushes in Photoshop
they're a default brush set and VERY nice to work with :D
I feel like experimenting with Paint tool sai once I get a new tablet pen (lost the old one while working at school, loving blows)

forget you, I've heard this more than enough

You want the things I enjoy creating to conform to your idea of what is and isn’t considered the correct use of my abilities? You know what, I’m sorry, but you can honestly go forget yourself.

I don’t see the things I create as me wasting my talent, because I do what every other artist in the world does; I create what I enjoy. I’m sorry if my tastes are not to your standards. Why don’t you give me a checklist of all the subject matter you think is inappropriate, so I can go through it before I even start drawing, just to make sure I’m not “wasting” my talent on things you don’t personally approve of.

And some might say, “Well by drawing X, you’re limiting your audience, so your talent is being wasted by only appealing to a small amount of people.” So what are you saying? The things I enjoy drawing should conform to a subject matter that panders to a wider audience? forget that stuff. And forget you if you think that.

I’m not here to make you feel comfortable, nor am I here to pander to as many people as possible and draw artwork that everyone can enjoy. This “wasting your talent” bullstuff is nothing but a bunch of condescending fake sympathy towards artists.

If you want me to draw something specific, give me a request or commission when I take them. But don’t bother getting your panties in a bunch when I draw things that you don't like, because I simply don’t care

I'll draw the ponies If I want and I'll post them as I see fit, If you don't like it leave.
Well worded my son.

All awesome.
Even though I am completely neutral about the whole ponies thing, that one did look exactly like the doctor. I always get their names mixed up though, so I couldn't tell you which actor, but if I could remember names, I would tell you who he was without a doubt.
All the other stuff, especially anything you drew with visors, was absolutely incredible. The first, third, sixteenth, and twenty-second ones stood out the most for me. Awesome overall, though. Glad someone here is doing something with their life.

omfg ponays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just kidding, i am neutral about them lol

nice models