Author Topic: "Im sure I'll ban him from my server"  (Read 3779 times)

I would say something mean, but I feel bad for picking on people that don't speak proper English.

This starts to change in a drama of myself :c

This starts to change in a drama of myself :c
I actually wasn't attacking you.

I was just saying that you shouldn't expect people to not make decisions based on how a person behaves. As for you trying to kick me out of the thread, let's just call it even and forget about that?

Your logic is about as firm as a strangler being acquitted from his murder trial because he chopped off both of his hands two days ago. Or someone being acquitted because they swear they've changed. It's not viable proof.
I actually wasn't attacking you.

I was just saying that you shouldn't expect people to not make decisions based on how a person behaves. As for you trying to kick me out of the thread, let's just call it even and forget about that?

What? He was saying its starting to change into a drama of himself.

What? He was saying its starting to change into a drama of himself.


Im locking this topic because everyone attacks me for no reason

...wheres the lock button??

forgate there is no lock button in drama -.-

Im locking this topic because everyone attacks me for no reason
no give them a change befor locking dumb idot

I make a topic and everyone goes stuff on me... wtf?