
What do I do?

Join the cult.
17 (40.5%)
Do not join the cult.
11 (26.2%)
Email them back saying you'll join then don't.
14 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Just Invited to Join a Cult...!  (Read 1373 times)

I just received an invitation from e55506@bsnow.net inviting me to join a cult called the "Siberian Socialist Republic of Shield." What ... who?

Discuss my cult invitation and any cults you have been involved with. :cookieMonster:

Email them saying "Pie is for cats"

Don't join, seems like spam.

Never been involved in any cults here.

I'm sorry, but that's a pretty crappy cult name. Sounds like some 9 year olds in Russia made it.

join the cult and steal their secret documents
then destroy them from the inside out

Ask them what their healthcare benefits are.

http://fr.xfire.com/communities/ssrsccpc/  ?

That cult is badass!  They play war video games with each other on their time off from dissing the nation!

Hells yes I'll join.  We can play COD all night long, then swear at Obama the next morning!

Osht. I want to change my poll vote.
Join it. It's a gaming community. c:

I'm currently in the kool kids klub

Sure sounds like a secretive cult if they send out emails over the internet.
I'm a mason.

It's the SSRS.  They're super ssrs.

Ask them what their healthcare benefits are.
Oh God I'm going this.
Sure sounds like a secretive cult if they send out emails over the internet.
I'm a mason.