Author Topic: GIF Adventure 4.0 [Zoom in to play!]  (Read 5339 times)

:Mister, I've lost my arms.
:Tis a shame, maybe your god could help you.


You decide that you're better off doing something else than pestering this old man. Maybe you could loot his staff later on after you acquire the inevitable god weapons.

pray to machine god for robot suit/robot arms

You try to get some more council from the Machine God, but nothing seemed to happen.
:Perhaps I should wait another time, I might anger the god.

Ask the god of fat loot for both of the chests to contain fat loot.

If you can't open the chest, can you cut out a hole from the top to see what's in it without being killed by the chest rigged with a shotgun or something?

You can simply just open one of the chests. Nothing bad could possibly happen this early on.

You feel like you should be called Ector now.

Your choice of names seems to be influenced by ghosts and undead.

You also like older guys and find the Old man attractive, seduce him

Now that's just silly.

You also like older guys and find the Old man attractive, seduce him

Open the chest a little and put a torch in and when you see what's inside you can loot it and take your torch back. And if there's nothing valuable take your torch and check the other chest (if there's one) and if there isn't say "By" to the old man and go to the Northern door