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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1697324 times)

Touch up how?

Make them not TF2 expies?
Mostly I think some mechanics mainly need to be worked on. Like the Firebug's airblast being more of a hindrance than ever being useful. Or Sniper being the most underplayed class since it's so hard to stay alive when you're slow and low on health, not to mention that most bosses are really hard to hit with a sniper anyways.

So what happened to those beta weapons

Mostly I think some mechanics mainly need to be worked on. Like the Firebug's airblast being more of a hindrance than ever being useful. Or Sniper being the most underplayed class since it's so hard to stay alive when you're slow and low on health, not to mention that most bosses are really hard to hit with a sniper anyways.
In General, Any glass cannons are for more skilled players. Infiltrators are hard as nails if you can't think like a boss, and know how to get behind without getting shot at any point. TBH, Firebug is probably most played as it's got amazing damage at close range, and the Jets just make it a slightly slower scout with a higher potential DPS.

Picture is now outdated btw

An older version of this made it spawn the projectiles from a brick. I don't think it would be to hard to set it back this way. I was thinking there could be an edited version of this. A one time artillery launcher. That spawns projectiles half way between some cannons on the ship and the build. This would create the effect that a ray-casting sniper rifle has of seeing the projectile hit than the trail. Except make it seem like the ship was the rifle. Also it would make it seem much bigger than it really was. The item would have to make the certain bricks make the emitter though. The sound could just be applied to the mini-game since those cannons would be so damn loud.

Time to discuss this since no one cared!

What are these you may ask? These are cannons! That will be directly pointed at the build

and from the ship it just so happens you can see the whole build!

It has been proven possible with laser designated artillery. That you could make a brick spawn projectiles aimed at a certain point.

What I am suggesting is we put invisible bricks half way between the build and the new ship. A player (with a ton of points) could order in an orbital strike. The player gets an airstrike beacon in there inventory where they can throw anywhere they want. The invisible bricks half way between the ship and the build spawn the projectiles firing at the build. It will also play a mini-game wide sound. This will make it seem like the cannons are firing based on the players request for a strike.

so basically a much more complicated version of this: http://forum.returntoblockland.com/dlm/viewFile.php?id=466
yeah except it looks like the ship is firing them.

Time to discuss this since no one cared!

What are these you may ask? These are cannons! That will be directly pointed at the build
Acting on the assumption the hangar build can give a decent scale reference to a completely different ship, wouldn't a cannon like that from a full scale ship fire shells large enough to obliterate the entire map at minimum? Also, you'll probably want some underside weaponry. Given the position of those they don't look like they're meant to fire downwards. In a 3 dimensional space battle, that's a pretty large blind spot, and if it's gonna be doing ground bombing, flying upside down would look kinda silly.

Lore-wise, I don't think we've entirely nailed down who uses this ship. My interpretation is it's for everybody, and we just go somewhere and beam people down to fight each other for entertainment. If that is the case, it seems kinda unfair to bombard them with orbital artillery. In terms of technical capabilities, while directed artillery is easily possible, it'd be annoying to work back in a buyable item now that we've finally eliminated everything but classes from the shop. Also if we implement a map rotation someday and we end up on an enclosed map like the hangar or bedroom, the feature wouldn't work.

Acting on the assumption the hangar build can give a decent scale reference to a completely different ship, wouldn't a cannon like that from a full scale ship fire shells large enough to obliterate the entire map at minimum? Only 6 large shells would be fired. Ideally the range of effect would be about 1/8th of the build. Since its orbital that means it has to have enough power to send the projectile far enough to hit the build. The majority of the cannon is making it aim a long distance, hence the reason an orbital strike with it would be possible. A lot of it would burn up in atmosphere as well and what is left would hit the build so doing striking 1/5-1/8 of the build seems just about right.

Also, you'll probably want some underside weaponry. Given the position of those they don't look like they're meant to fire downwards. In a 3 dimensional space battle, that's a pretty large blind spot, and if it's gonna be doing ground bombing, flying upside down would look kinda silly. There is underside weaponry. You just can't see it from this picture. Also it being fired from these big cannons would look cool.

Lore-wise, I don't think we've entirely nailed down who uses this ship. My interpretation is it's for everybody, and we just go somewhere and beam people down to fight each other for entertainment. If that is the case, it seems kinda unfair to bombard them with orbital artillery. The original purpose was it is part of the fleet after shaders hit. The original idea was that the fleet was heading to the Bosses castle and facing off them in the throne room (that one scraped build). After the newer castle thing was made I like to think they reached the courtyard of that place. If anything the purpose of the ship is support against the Bosses fleet. Or that could explain the more recent build as part of a ship in the bosses fleet.

In terms of technical capabilities, while directed artillery is easily possible, it'd be annoying to work back in a buyable item now that we've finally eliminated everything but classes from the shop. Make a weaker class item with a pistol and melee weapon. The class also has a new artillery strike beacon that can be thrown 3 times. Said beacon should also have a charge so its not rapid fire.

Also if we implement a map rotation someday and we end up on an enclosed map like the hangar or bedroom, the feature wouldn't work. Each map has a special class to it?

The original purpose was it is part of the fleet after shaders hit. The original idea was that the fleet was heading to the Bosses castle and facing off them in the throne room (that one scraped build). After the newer castle thing was made I like to think they reached the courtyard of that place. If anything the purpose of the ship is support against the Bosses fleet. Or that could explain the more recent build as part of a ship in the bosses fleet.
It never made sense to me, since the hangar map had the boss start from a spot well inside the ship while the normals appeared to be beaming in from elsewhere, so I assumed that was indication the ship was his, but at the same time, more than one boss ship seems like a pretty big thematic inconsistency. Regarding arrival at the courtyard, the story basically went that we got lost while partying in the anniversary nega-void or whatever and ended up here. A map rotation mechanic wouldn't really support anything other than the idea of it being one big game centered around one ship, unless we can contrive a better reason for everyone going around in circles over and over again.

It never made sense to me, since the hangar map had the boss start from a spot well inside the ship while the normals appeared to be beaming in from elsewhere, so I assumed that was indication the ship was his, but at the same time, more than one boss ship seems like a pretty big thematic inconsistency. Regarding arrival at the courtyard, the story basically went that we got lost while partying in the anniversary nega-void or whatever and ended up here. A map rotation mechanic wouldn't really support anything other than the idea of it being one big game centered around one ship, unless we can contrive a better reason for everyone going around in circles over and over again.
Where the boss spawned in the hangar was an elevator shaft. The bottom was closed off and you could from the bosses spawn, look up and see a door farther into the ship up there. The idea was the bosses infiltrated the ship and the players were defending the hangar before the boss could lower the shields to let a boarding party on.

Map rotation could be showing the different battles of different ships. You said yourself right there the party got lost in the nega-void. The fleet slowly got broken up and the bosses attacked. The individual ships have been defending themselves since in each part. the reason it keeps going in circles is because the it shows all the different battles going on at once. That could also help settle the new maps being added, new battles just starting. This also explains if we added in orbital strikes since that means the ship is just defending others on the ground. Interior maps could be part of a same battle in a different location. We could go into the pattern of on ship off ship, going to next ship defending itself and then looping back around. So only two new mini-bosses to make if there are only two different basic kinds of setting.

Plot just developed for the server:

  One day a group of players were messing around in the bedroom. Than another group of players called bosses came in and tried to ruin there fun. The players decided to defend themselves against the bosses and try to make them go away. Right when the players were about to defeat the bosses once and for all Kompressor, lord of shadows. Sent a wave of dark-matter called "shaders" to destroy maps. The players had 6 months before the wave of darkness hit and they spent that time in community builds constructing large ships, Server Settlers (SS) to escape the maps and head off to find new servers to settle in. The bosses used that time to regroup in larger numbers and attack the players once more.

  One day while traveling amongst the stars. The bosses attacked the fleet. The capital ship heading off to settle Pecon7s server (named SS Pecan for that of course) was infiltrated by the bosses and was about to be taken over. The players held out in starboard hangar-A had to defend the hangar long enough, so the bosses could not lower the shields to let a boarding party on from one of the bosses vessels to take over the ship; and then fleet. The players bested the bosses once again but learned something new. That the bedroom was lost in the negative-light void (nega-void), and that once a year there would be an opening where players could go in.

  Trying to rescue all remaining players the capital ship branched off from the fleet with a planned regrouping later to go in and save everyone left in the bedroom. There were still some bosses there though leading to another conflict. The players won once again, good over evil, and then went off to regroup with the fleet. The players got lost in the void though and ended up at one of the bosses many bases. With the capital ship not returning the remaining ships went into a power struggle over who would take control of the fleet. With all the different ships having there own ideas of where to go they all got separated. The ever so patient bosses found this to be the perfect time to strike and attacked all the individual ships.

 That leads us to today, the capital ship is currently still in battle with the bosses, and all the other ships alone and separated and are being attacked right now. The goal of the current group of players is to defeat the bosses and destroy the base.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 03:16:30 PM by Bester Bageler »

Boss Pedestals not working

Boss Pedestals not working
the gui doesn't work either, please fix it..