Name - AussieGuy
BL_ID - 33828
Previous administration experience - I have been admin on many servers similar to Boss Battles.. Example -> (Some other Boss Battles and was once Mod on Tezunis.)
Who recommends you? - No one in particular recommended me... I'd just love to help out the server.
Why should I accept you? - You should accept me because I have recently been admin on other servers and have experience hosting/helping servers.
Timezone/Region - Queensland, Australia
Pecon7 - No - Does not meet the minimum requirements.
Trifornt - No - I'm just going to say it for every admin that's about to come upon this review and comment on it. "YOU DO NOT REQUIRE ANY EFFORT TO BECOME AN ADMIN AT TEZUNI'S, AND HIS ADMINS SUCK!" I'd hate to boast, but hardly any of the other Boss Battle servers have actually gotten up to the caliber to Pecon7's server, and there's a reason why it's still around in comparison to the others. You also lack any form of recommendations, and while your Timezone might actually prove handy, by the time you'd log on to the server (at night at least), it would be either extremely early or extremely late for everyone else, so at most there'd be like, six people online.
Ry: No - You failed the basic intelligence test that requires you to answer all of the questions thoroughly.
Frontrox: No
Tophat: No recommendations. We did have someone before who did that and still got in. Had a huge application though, very detailed, which this one is not.
siba: No
Ike: No
Xalos: "some other Boss Battles"
which?] No.
Muzzles: No. Not convincing at all
Visolator: Not good enough for me to even read.
Jetz: The only specific details you gave us were your name and timezone. Everything else was left vague. No.
Marioguy0: Ba-gawk. No.
Ipquarx: No actual examples given of past experience, no
Aware: Please spend more than 5 minutes making your application. No.
Denied.Name: Andrew123
BL_ID: 13928
Previous administration experience: Blax, etc (i cant remember who else because there's to many...
Who recommends you?: Blax, etc (same etc reason)
Why should I accept you?: Well I'm not that spoiled little 12 year old who plays Blockland asking for admin. Also I'm a responsible administrator and i don't actually remember the names of the people who have made me admin but i can assure you that I'm a good player. Your server is good Pecon and you've improved a lot over the years and i really hope you would consider making me an admin on your server.Oh and uh thanks for reading this if you did.-Andrew123
Timezone/Region: Eastern, USA
Pecon7 - No - Does not meet the minimum requirements.
Trifornt - No - Who the heck is Blax, and why did you not even bother to find out where you have administrated on in the past? I mean, I'd think people would write it down like I do, but sheesh, that pretty much means you only have one recommendation and one bit of previous experience! The compliments are nice though, really, and I'm sure we all really appreciate them (I do) but in the end I don't think you're suited for admin JUUST yet.
But hey, at least you're not that spoiled little twelve year old who plays Blockland asking for admin.
Ry: No - Who is Blax and why do you remember him but literally nobody else. I find this very suspicious, also you have no grammar, how did you get your computer to ignore auto-correct for capitalizing your I's. I can't think of a good way to word the rest of my response without sounding rude, so here's an ascii frowny face :(
Frontrox: No
Soroxzion: No, failed to meet minimal requirements.
Tophat: No. I can see what you were going for but did not execute it properly. Or maybe you DID execute it properly, getting confused on which meaning you were supposed to use.
siba: No
Ike: No
Xalos: We need to actually know the names of people who have made you admin so that we can verify that they did in fact make you admin and feel you made a good admin. We can't simply take your word that you've been admin at a lot of places because that defeats the point. No.
Muzzles: No. Zero effort
Jetz: "(i cant remember who else because there's to many..." If there are so many, why are you struggling to think of more than one? Also, you forgot the close parenthesis.) No.
Visolator: Nah.
Marioguy0: Ba-gawk. No.
Ipquarx: Try to remember them better next time, nope from me
Aware: "i cant remember who else because there's to many" I just want to stress how much this shows that you can not be trusted. It isn't even hidden that your statement is a lie, it is just a straight up VERY obvious lie. How stupid do you think we are? No.
Denied.Name: Jjosiah98
BL_ID: 22685
Previous Administration Experience: TheFlamingLemons Ski Server
Who Recommends You: TheFlamingLemon
Why Should I accept you: I am hard working and trustworthy. I do as I am asked and rarely question. If I think of any suggestions I tell an admin if I can. I don't have a short temper and am a team player. I also like to assist those who need any help of any kind.(Such as helping those who don't know how to play the game)
Timezone/Region: Arizona, USA
Pecon7 - No - Your reasoning is okay but you still didn't meet the minimum requirements. You should also work on your general writing skills a bit, we like people who can write very formally.
Trifornt - No - Hey, look, a decent application! I haven't seen one of those since... well, Accuracy's application... But, unfortunately, I would say Yes if not for your pitiful administration experience and recommendations. If your reasoning just had a little more spice, then I'd accept you regardless.
Ry: No - Red flag at "I don't have a short temper" having to say this is a really bad sign. Also more buzzwords and a short uninteresting application.
Frontrox: No
Tophat: No, I do not want a robot. Sorry.
siba: No
Ike: No
Xalos: This is like packing as many résumé buzzphrases into as small a space as possible. No.
Muzzles: No. One piece of experience and recommendation isn't enough. Doing as you are asked and rarely question is the opposite of what an admin should do.
Jetz: "I am hard working and trustworthy. I do as I am asked and rarely question." You don't sound like someone capable of administrating the server so much as you sound like a robotic vacuum cleaner. No.
Visolator: You should already be trustworthy, since that is one of the points of applying. No.
Marioguy0: Ba-gawk. No.
Ipquarx: Not enough reccomendations
Aware: Atleast you *tried* to make your application longer with filler words. No.
Denied.Name: Abstract
BL_ID: 23722
Previous administration experience: AbusivePillow's Falling Tiles, Dr. Block's Prison Escape, Meadowman's city build, Anthonyrules144's Knife TDM, Tezuni's(one of the nicer admins), and a few more from a couple years back that I can't recall.
Who recommends you?: Oholiba, Meadowman, Silleb, Ultimategamer101, Kyotou, OfficerKenny, AbusivePillow, and Kurai
Why should I accept you?: I can be on the server for at least 30 minutes a day an hour a day, 5 days a week. I am not new to Blockland and have gathered a lot of experience dealing with players on multiple servers. I strictly stick to the rules and enforce them but I am friendly with other players as well. I'm not applying just to get admin and to have more power than the average player, but because I want to help the server out. I hope you'll consider me as a candidate for administrator!
Timezone/Region: Eastern, USA
Pecon7 - Yes - Sounds decent all the way around.
Trifornt - No - Bad history with this certain person.
Ry: Yes - Short but well written, you have already proven your intelligence is above that of the average person who applies for admin. Lack of Buzzwords, no noteworthy flaws besides the shortness.
Frontrox: Yes
Tophat: No. I don't like dealing with you and I've had to in the past. You're not the type I'd want as an admin in the server. Maybe you were better in the past, or only if you had admin, but you haven't made a good impression on me.
siba: Undecided
Ike: I've seen your administrating skills firsthand, so yes. This server needs more active admins.
Xalos: I'm divided between your good app, Ike's accounts of you being a trustworthy admin, and Tophat's accounts of you spamming the server chat with terrible meme phrases. Ultimately, I have to err on the side of caution, so no.
Muzzles: I'd say yes, although the last two sentences weakened your application a bit
Jetz: This is a duplicate of one done through the new system, so I'll just go review that one instead. No.
Visolator: I've seen you around, but I don't see if I can trust you. No.
Marioguy0: I do not know you, but this app is okay. I will lean towards yes, weakly.
Ipquarx: Seems good to me, yes
Soroxzion: I'm going to have to say no from what Tophat has said. No
Aware: I've seen you ingame a lot, and don't have a problem with you. I would even vote yes. But your reasons ARE SO WEAK. WHY IS THIS SUDDENLY A GOOD APPLICATION WHEN SO MANY OTHERS HAVE MUCH LESS GENERIC REASONS. IM SO CONFUSED. No.
ConsideredName: EV0_
BL_ID: 122066
Previous administration experience:
Kyber's server [Super]
EeOneGuy's server [Admin]
Ethan8014s server [Admin]
DatSpaceGuy's [Admin]
No Name_'s [Admin]
Nuclear Bear's [Admin]
Aoki's [Temp Mod]
CheeseAndButter's [Admin]
Yoke's [Super Admin]
maybe one or two more.
Who recommends you?:
Skylom: "I think you'd make a good admin."
mysterio(I don't exactly remember how to spell his name and I know that he has one or two numbers at the end of his name that I don't remember): "You have the ability to keep your head cool, which is good in position of power."
hrabia1333: "You're really helpful and nice."
I'm pretty sure at least one more person.
Why should I accept you?:
This is almost a quote from Mysterio, "You can keep your head cool"
I'm known for being on the positive side, example: If I lose on BB, which I do quite often, I say something like "xD" because of my funny defeat, or "weeeeee" because I went into the sky.
May sound a little childish.
I'm fair to everyone, and I only want to help the server's people be safe from people that are doing bad things.
I don't have a temper and I don't just ban people. If I ban/kick (will probably be kick) than I always have a good reason, even when it comes to friends.
Before kicking, I always give someone a warning so then, they don't hate the server/think I'm a bad admin.
Helping other people is my nature. I've already helped two people get good(ish) at boss battles.
jemmykanga and some blockhead?
I play on Boss Battles a lot in the morning, when there aren't other admins around, and I have wished before that there were admins then.
While I may lack in personal experiance, I've gotten a lot of experiance just watching people like Visolator and Kalim, and where I lack experiance, I make up for it in knowledge.
I have lots of experiance as shown above. I'm also very mature for my age.
Also, how many admins do you have who aren't willing to make a ban much longer than a day, much less a perma-ban?
Timezone/Region: Pacific Coast Time.
Trifornt - No - First off, the spacing is a nightmare. The Enter Key should not be abused, people! The reasoning, and the recommendations/experience are all substantial, but I don't know... something seems off. First of all, you seem TOO kind. Almost like you're making stuff up. I'd hate to say this, as I prefer to see people who are kind rather than the kind of guy who perma-bans you for questioning whether or not it's ethical to eat Mormons, but questioning how much of us are willing to ban someone for longre than a day sounds... strange... So much so that I'd question if you'd even ban the people who actually deserve it, and if you did it would you ban them for appropriate times? That's the one thing you don't want in your admin application above all else, you don't want them to be questioning how good you are overall as an admin when your application should be showing how well you are right off the bat! You put a lot of effort into this, and I see that. I appreciate that. But you have made me question on whether or not you'll even do your job as an admin, or if you'll just stand around and hold up a peace sign/rapid-fire nuclear missile launcher the entire time. And because I cannot answer that question, I ad-here to "No".
Ry: No - The spacing on this makes me want to kill myself. Though it probably looked better on the text editor you wrote this on. Detailed recommendations but questionable reasoning. "Not perma-banning people" is apparently unacceptable behavior? Grammar at the explanation part is also shifty, I have trouble reading what you're trying to say sometimes.
Frontrox: No
Soroxzion: Yeah no.
Tophat: No. From what I've seen, you seem a bit *too* eager. Visolator and Kalim aren't even on the server much so I don't see how you'd get experience from watching them. I don't see what you're getting at of how we ban people either.
Ike: No
siba: No
Xalos: "While I may lack in personal experiance[sic], I have lots of experiance[sic] as shown above." I feel like you're lying to inflate your application. No.
Muzzles: No
Jetz: Your app helped me come up with a new trick that people can use to self-check their applications: "If all your sentences could be rearranged in a random order with nothing lost, do it again." No.
Visolator: No. "I'm known for being on the positive side, example: If I lose on BB, which I do quite often, I say something like "xD" because of my funny defeat, or "weeeeee" because I went into the sky.
May sound a little childish." This already bothers me. This has nothing to do with your reasoning. No.
Marioguy0: App was difficult to read, content not impressive. No
Ipquarx: No. I'm just going to go with what trifornt said
Aware: FYI don't have Kalim be your role model. The application is really good (complaining about spacing? come on...) and I've seen how you act on the server. Yes.
Denied.Name: It's Boshy Time!
BL_ID: 34072
Previous Administration experience: God of Terraria's Hero's, Luigi of Luigis' and about 7 more ( I forgot them :/ )
Who recommends you?: God of Terraria's Hero, Luigi of Luigis
Why should i accept you?: I'm an experienced player on Blockland and can do many things. I'm not soo good known as a good guy, but im fixing it already.
Timezone/Region: GMT+/--1:00, Poland
Trifornt - No - This guy has been banned from the server multiple times, and even permabanned once for harassment. Why he keeps being unbanned, I don't know, and I honestly don't think banning him again will keep him banned from the server, because clearly people can't get over the fact that this guy is a repeat offender and bar him out of the server. Even if I discard the countless times he has been banned, he has still openly harassed admins on the forum, and heck, one time sent me a Personal Message telling me to go die and that he hated me. A person like this should not get admin, at all.
Ry: No - It most certianly is not Boshy Time.
Frontrox: No
Tophat: No. Doesn't feel like any effort was put into it.
Sorxzion: No. You have been banned and kicked several times, and to top it off your application has little to no effort what so ever.
Ike: I've kicked and banned you on multiple occasions. If you can't meet the bare minimum of playing on the server, who says you could be a passable admin? No.
siba: No
Xalos: "I'm an experienced player on Blockland and can do many things."
[vague] No.
Muzzles: No. Zero effort
Jetz: Still trying to figure out how you keep getting unbanned. No.
Visolator: Never.
Marioguy0: Ba-gawk. No.
Ipquarx: After reading what trifornt said... hell naw.
Aware: You've been perma banned enough times. I don''t really know how you keep coming back. No.
Denied.Name: Spikeman
BL_ID: 94463
Previous administration experience: PEGMAN's servers (not dedicated) va11jr's freebuild (not dedicated)
Who recommends you?: PEGMAN since he knows I can be trusted.
Why should I accept you?: I treat people equally and fairly, I would work to serve everyone the fun they deserve and most of all, when someone is giving someone else a hard time, I will see what's going on before thinking about kicking/banning.
Timezone/Region: New Zealand
Trifornt - No - Not bad, overall. But again, the lacking experience and weak recommendations come back. The reasoning is pretty good though, albeit a tad short.
Ry: No - Insert generic "you tried" statement that ends with "too short" here.
Frontrox: No
Soroxzion: No. Little effort put forth in this application.
Tophat: No. Even though it's short, I like the reasoning. Ideal.
Ike: I've met you ingame a few times and you seem like a decent person, and probably a good admin, so yes.
siba: No
Xalos: No.
Muzzles: Close no. Not enough experience and recommendations
Jetz: You need more experience. Nothing particularly wrong but noting really stands out either. No.
Marioguy0: Needs more stuff, but not bad. No.
Ipquarx: Not enough experience
Aware: geeeneeeeeeerrriiiiiiiiiiiiii
cccccccc reasons. No.
Denied.Name: mr.coolguy32
BL_ID: 37676
Previous administration experience: pepismen's Boss battles server tobyOS's prison escape
Who recommends you?: my friends
Why should I accept you?: Because I am a really good at eventing and little good at a building, Nice to people, will mute or ban who Spam crap,Be immature and ect
Timezone/Region: Eastern, USA
Trifornt - No - This is the last of the old admin format, and it ended on a low note by far. Another Jail Escape "experience" and a random Boss Battles server that I don't even remember seeing on the server list at all, not even once. The reasoning is absolutely garbage, and you failed to elaborate on who your friends even were. If you don't even have enough time writing an application to say who your friends are, then you definitely do not have enough time to administrate this server.
Ry: No - Insert generic "you tried" statement that ends with "too short" here.
Frontrox: No
Tophat: No. I was going to say something along the lines of personal experience, but then I saw "little good". It also looks like you're saying you'll ban whoever spams but at the same time be immature which you weren't trying to achieve with your writing. Details are important for this.
Ike: No
Soroxzion: No
siba: No
Xalos: I happen to have had encounters with you before, and you don't seem like the sort of person I would want to be an admin. In addition, your recommendations are just "my friends", and as I said above, there actually is a reason that we ask for recommendations. No.
Muzzles: No. Zero effort
Jetz: "Who recommends you?: my friends" Well gee that's reassuring. No.
Visolator: Who are these "friends" and how many are there? No.
Marioguy0: Ba-gawk. No.
Ipquarx: No actual reccomendations given, not enough experience
Aware: Stop putting "im good at eventing" on your applications. Just stop. pls.