Fighting E4 with no 'real' items for the lulz
the reason I say real is

Hardass (Skarmory) is holding Exp. Share and Masterbait (Swampert) is holding Amulet Coin
Neither have any effect on the battle
I'm not using healing, revives, anything like that
EDIT: This is their health after fighting Phoebe, Ghost-type E4 person
Just beat Ice-type E4 person, this is team now.

Used ONLY Hariyama w/ Substitute, Reversal, Focus Punch, Endure
Swept entire team
EDIT3: And now, after fighting E4 Drake, Dragon-type.

Debating whether or not to break my stipulation and bust out some revives.
EDIT4: Fatty and Armacarrot both were taken out in one hit by Wallace's Wailord.
okay so I went through it all again
I begun the fight with Wallace
I had Ninjask, Swampert, Skarmory, Armaldo, and Hariyama
Armaldo never had to see battle B)
He sent out Wailord, I sent out Hariyama
Hariyama didn't have the chance to make one move, too weakened from the battle vs Ice person
Swampert took out Wailord with two Earthquakes
He send Ludicolo, I send Skarmory
Ludicolo went down with a Fly and a Steel Wing
I also managed to lay down some Spikes
He sent Milotic
Skarmory was taken out by a Surf
I sent Ninjask
Ninjask got two Aerial Aces in before being removed from battle by an Ice Beam and a Surf
I sent out Swampert
Swampert used two Earthquakes on Milotic and defeated it
Swampert's last Earthquake PP was used to one-shot Wallace's Tentacruel
He send Whiscash
Swampert and Whiscash got into a Surfing war
Swampert won B)
His last line of defense was Gyarados. I was scared, Swampert was well into the yellow zone, and I didn't have faith in Armaldo to land the Ancientpower hit without taking a Surf and dying
Swampert used Endeavor, so the healths of each Pokemon were matched.
Gyarados responded with a Double-Edge, leaving Swampert with around 30 HP.
I fired one last Double-Edge, hoping for the best...
It hits true, taking out Gyarados and leaving Swampert with 5 HP.
I had won, using no healing items of any sort.
Swampert has the Hard Worker ribbon. His EVs are maxed out.