Author Topic: America is done, folks.  (Read 23801 times)

Let's do a little reading of the actual bill, shall we?

Subtitle D: Detainee Matters - (Sec. 1031) Affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force includes the authority for U.S. Armed Forces to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war. Defines a "covered person" as a person who: (1) planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for such attacks; or (2) was part of or substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. Requires the Secretary to regularly brief Congress on the application of such authority.

Also, this:

S.AMDT.1126 Amendment SA 1126 proposed by Senator Feinstein. (consideration: CR S7685; text: CR S7685)
To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031.

It limits the authority of the military to do this.  LIMITS.  Meaning the military cannot do that unless they have absolutely just cause AND the authorization of the Secretary of Defense to do so.

You didn't even read this document, did you?  You just glazed over what some online news article told you and formed your opinions based off of completely unfounded assumptions, LIKE USUAL.  The purpose of this bill is mostly to outline appropriations for funding towards various military branches for FY 2012.  No where in the document does it grant the exclusive right of the military to storm into your living room, arrest you, and imprison you without a trial for no reason.  It explicitly states that it is only directed towards those who are actively in a terrorist organization planning or executing terrorist acts inside the U.S.  Hell, the words "battleground" or "impunity" aren't even to be found anywhere in the document.  It is simply a colorful set of words that media outlets like to use to get people roused up.

Act galvanized as though your personal rights have been violated all you want, but the fact of the matter is you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.  Even on the extremely unlikely chance that this passes (the White House has already said many times that it will veto it), nothing will change.  Your life will not change.  My life will not change.

Do your research next time and stop acting so melodramatic.  Oh yeah, the threat of murdering United States Senators really helps your argument, too.

Sounds like every other country in the world, America grow up.

Meanwhile in Canada:

I wonder what does American hosers are up too today eh?

I never said I supported oppressive rule. I just said I'd give up my rights for my government.
This is proof that you're handicapped because we've already established that communism isn't a form of government and you agreed.  You've contradicted yourself twice now.

Can somebody tell me what this bill means in simplistic form?

Im a bit concerned, most of my friends are in America.

This is proof that you're handicapped because we've already established that communism isn't a form of government and you agreed.  You've contradicted yourself twice now.

DC will be in flames, and everyone there will be dead :D

Lol, no one is going to read my post.  Oh well, not my loss.

I read it, it was well worded. I just didn't feel the need to post about it.

This entire thing is a conspiracy.

I was referring to Frostbyte asking for someone to tell him what the bill said in simple terms, which I did.

i love the parts about removing the age limit to join the military;

and allowing the president to reassess the need to build and deploy more nukes to our bases based on the need to meet a new higher deterrence.

salt and other russian treaties be damned

there is a stuffload of interesting things in the bill having nothing to do with the bill of rights.

Osht. This is gonna be like another red scare. Accuse everyone of being a terrorist! Oh no!

-You say you do not support the oppressive rule of dictators, but you say that you would give up all your rights for a communist system.  That is a contradiction.  Opposing oppression and accepting oppression.

-You say that you believe in communism and that it is a government.  But you agree with us that Communism is just an economic system.

Are you that dense?  lol

Lol, no one is going to read my post.  Oh well, not my loss.
We're hardly talking about the bill anymore anyhow, it was vetoed.  

We're hardly talking about the bill anymore anyhow, it was vetoed.  
Obama doesn't have the final say in the matter though...