Author Topic: Eyebrow Wont Stop Twitching  (Read 3985 times)

take away its internet
how does one find their eyebrow's network card thingy

my right bicep kept twitching a few weeks ago and i read that parts of your body twitch if you have a potassium deficiency, try eating a banana

Are you stressed or anything like that? A while ago I started to twitch because I was paranoid I was going to fail in school.

Jack up heroin and drug the FUCK OUT.

I've never had my eyebrow twitch.

Is it stopping your heart from functioning?


Anything that could kill you?


You're fine.

Trust me guys, I'm a doctor.

I think I might need to go to a doctor just a few minutes ago my whole right top eyelid plus my eyebrow were twitching again :/

This happens to me sometimes, and yes it can be quite annoying when it lasts for over a day.

this happens to me but it's moreso my eyelid, usually left.  It's really weird but if I just gently rub it it stops

If anything Ive overslept the past week
You probably pinched a nerve around your eye from sleeping on it too hard then. It can happen below the eye and the mid-point between your eye and ear also. I can't gibe pro advice though. If it's bothering you your should see a doctor. Sometimes people can see it too, my friend had it but I didn't want to embarrass him so I ignored it.

People can see it lol I asked my friends and they said yeah

Try eating some bananas.

I have this thing, where I stare at a screen after eating quite a bit of sugar, and my eyes twitch nonstop side to side and I start to feel a headache type thing come on.


Oh, I've had your problem before. The way to solve it is...