Author Topic: Monty-Teach a handicapped robot a language!  (Read 3674 times)

LOL (look at the attachment, too lazy to upload to a file sharing website)

Fun fact: I had to make a very similar program for the final project in one of my classes this semester.

Fun fact: I had to make a very similar program for the final project in one of my classes this semester.
Did it turn out as handicapped?

Did it turn out as handicapped?
If I made the thing talk back it would have sounded handicapped like Monty. Mine just took in phrases and structured them in a tree like this and searched webpages for occurrences of the complete phrases in the tree reporting back how many times they registered a hit.



<Monty>Sentences are strings of love, monty.

I can't make this up, it's too smart.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 05:54:44 PM by mp7964 »

User - How are you.
Monty - forget you
User - forget you too
Monty - forget you too

I'm made a perfect being out of this thing. Do i win?

Monty: yes you should get revived.
User: but i'm not dead, you're the dead one.
Monty: no, i say you are.

where's my funeral.

I've made a copy of me that's invulnerable to insults.

Oh god it's getting better.

I'm actually kind of proud of it now.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 06:45:03 PM by VinnyTheGuy »


also, I got bored so I made some shapes!

« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 07:43:59 PM by Katamari007 »

<Monty> - rooster
User - No.
<Monty> - Yes.

User - What is 4x2?
<Monty> -snake.
User - Very good!
<Monty> -are am i student good yes now