Author Topic: Help with USB WiFi Adapter  (Read 366 times)

So, I recently got a Wireless USB Adapter. The brand is Retail Plus.
Thing is, using the intenet lags my computer like it's nobody's buisness. It's happened with another USB Adapter I borrowed, and even connecting via Ethernet lags it. How can I speed my computer up/not make it lag while online?

EDIT: Attached specs. It's a low-end computer.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 11:01:13 AM by Coolio »

get a new computer like people have been saying for the past 2 years you've been here?

get a new computer like people have been saying for the past 2 years you've been here?
I'm saving up money. It'll be a matter of time before I get enough.


Nice double post

also get on steam

I've been using that same adapter for about 2 years now. It's absolute stuff. It tries to lower the speed from 54 Mb/s to 12 Mb/s or lower to try and keep itself from overheating.
You would have been better to buy a PCI one, most USB wireless devices suck.

Also, I pretty much have the same computer as you. Mine just has more RAM and a better video controller.
Dell Dimension 3000
Intel Celeron 2.4GHz
Intel 82865G Graphics Controller (replaced with an nVidia Geforce 6200)
2GB of RAM
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 11:42:32 AM by KoopaScooper »

Oh. Mine is this one. The only difference is that your adapter accepts 300Mb/s connections.