Author Topic: Shadow and Rocky  (Read 3037 times)

Ok, so here I am, being a badass hosting a server when Shadow joins. Now I'm kinda connected to the drama on Rocky, so Shadow is his,'hacker friend'.

Got connect request from IP:
  net name = Shadow
AUTHCHECK: Shadow = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Shadow
CADD: 44681 IP:
 +- bl_id = 23199
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client: Add-Ons/Map_Slate/slate.mis
Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/support/networking.cs (319): Unknown command on
Regenerating file manifest
Got 1340 items in manifest, 9 files hashed
Dionysus: Hiya
Shadow: you're rocky's "friend"?
Dionysus: Lolno
Dionysus: I hate that guy.
Shadow: Hame on
Shadow: game*
Shadow spawned.
Shadow: i'm the guy
Dionysus: That's nice.
Shadow: you forget with him and you'll go down hard
Client 44681 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 44681 IP:

That's the console segment with Shadow's information. Now it may be coincidental, but, right after shadow disconnected, Rocky joined, called me a "PIGG" and my internet went down. Now, he thinks he's funny, but he possibly could be breaking laws of the internet privacy laws. He, if this is not coincidental, is a most likely IP hacker.

I nailed rocky pretty hard too. No messages from shadows yet...

This is wrong too. All I wanted was to stop this. If you're gonna keep this going, go ahead, if you want to make me the most hated person, go ahead. But leave me alone.

This is wrong too. All I wanted was to stop this. If you're gonna keep this going, go ahead, if you want to make me the most hated person, go ahead. But leave me alone.

You just contradicted yourself twice in one post. Congratulations.

This is wrong too. All I wanted was to stop this. If you're gonna keep this going, go ahead, if you want to make me the most hated person, go ahead. But leave me alone.
It's not wrong. You were acting like a complete seven year old.

It's not wrong. You were acting like a complete seven year old.

Oh okay sorry about that.

This is wrong too. All I wanted was to stop this. If you're gonna keep this going, go ahead, if you want to make me the most hated person, go ahead. But leave me alone.
If you dont want to be hated

Dont be a loving idiot

This is wrong too. All I wanted was to stop this. If you're gonna keep this going, go ahead, if you want to make me the most hated person, go ahead. But leave me alone.

Unfortunately this won't work.
You can't be loving moron to anyone and then say "OH NO IT WAS ME WHO DID THE RIGHT THING I WANT TO STOP THIS NOW LEAVE ME ALONE." That's not how it works.

What about his a jap?

@Cc best chat log ever.
Not chatlog... It was rtb c: