Ok, so here I am, being a badass hosting a server when Shadow joins. Now I'm kinda connected to the drama on Rocky, so Shadow is his,'hacker friend'.
Got connect request from IP:
net name = Shadow
AUTHCHECK: Shadow = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Shadow
CADD: 44681 IP:
+- bl_id = 23199
+- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client: Add-Ons/Map_Slate/slate.mis
Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/support/networking.cs (319): Unknown command on
Regenerating file manifest
Got 1340 items in manifest, 9 files hashed
Dionysus: Hiya
Shadow: you're rocky's "friend"?
Dionysus: Lolno
Dionysus: I hate that guy.
Shadow: Hame on
Shadow: game*
Shadow spawned.
Shadow: i'm the guy
Dionysus: That's nice.
Shadow: you forget with him and you'll go down hard
Client 44681 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 44681 IP:
That's the console segment with Shadow's information. Now it may be coincidental, but, right after shadow disconnected, Rocky joined, called me a "PIGG" and my internet went down. Now, he thinks he's funny, but he possibly could be breaking laws of the internet privacy laws. He, if this is not coincidental, is a most likely IP hacker.