Author Topic: Look what TING ALZ made  (Read 4119 times)

do they have action karate moves???

(i like that in my action figures)

for christmas
i got
more grey knights
guys im painting my new ones its so cool

not entirely finished as i still need to go over some details and get some actual red paint sometime because this rust brown color is not going to cut it

but heres all the dudes as of now

why are their snakees gold/rust colored

are you talking about the canister on the gun?

one of them looks like he died
you might want to help him out

thats just tim
he was the first grey knight i made
i used too much primer and he looks all bumpy
nobody likes tim

cool im going to bump my topic too
i finally got red paint and now im going to finish painting these

These are so cool, I've always wanted these.

compliments only please

These are nice. Did you make then from scratch?
Or did you just color them?

For anyone thats confused, these are minatures for the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game
I didn't completely make them, I just assembled and painted them.
Also I couldnt find my camera so pictures of the finished paint tomorrow.

they glitter

and lol
"scab red"

gay knights hehehehehehehehehhehheheheheh h *schniker*

gay knights hehehehehehehehehhehheheheheh h *schniker*
imperial guard more like GAY