Author Topic: My posts are being silly.  (Read 1038 times)

My number of posts is directly linked to my posts per day now c: Now whenevers i post my avg posts per day be the same yay.
Just thought you'd care for some reason, idk.

My number of posts is directly linked to my posts per day now c: Now whenevers i post my avg posts per day be the same yay.
Just thought you'd care for some reason, idk.

That's pretty cool, any idea how this happened?

how did you do that

are you a wizard

You're a wizard.

But can't your posts per day still drop?

He just needs to keep doing whatever the hell he did.

omg Cn u teach me toh be wizARD??

ok guize guide to be wizard
1. draw circle
2. drink milks
3. du 5 starjumps
4. be a wizerd
5. you dun it good job!!!11!

I guess it was just a coincidence between my posts and when i joined, surprised i notice it :D

-Oh god this is actually a curse! Now i can't stop posting or i will lose it D:

When I hit 10,000, my p/d was 16.000.

I really really want to be a wizard like you now. :c

I really really want to be a wizard like you now. :c
ok i will hit u wiv my wizrd beem and maked u a wizard k?
*bzzt beam woopwoop* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
ok ur wizard now

I used to be a wizard like you..

ok i will hit u wiv my wizrd beem and maked u a wizard k?
*bzzt beam woopwoop* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
ok ur wizard now
u shoted him with cum

I used to be a wizard like you..
Until i took a Fire bolt to the upper torso.

Yes I'm a wizard now thanks Clone!! And kock (c wat I did??) stop trolling