
After V1.5, upload to RTB?

38 (82.6%)
8 (17.4%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Author Topic: [V1.2] Player Dizzyness (Impaction)  (Read 5630 times)

Yeah it seems kind of silly to have that, and not just because of the spam. It just seems like something that shouldn't really need to be announced. That would be like having a message pop up every time you shoot your gun
"So&so shot his gun 15 times"

It would make sense if it was like a death message
like Player1 [ICON] Player2
Icon is a small picture of a red blockhead ramming into another red blockhead

Bump. I really like this mod.

i like how there is an RTB pref to disable the announcement, but is it really needed?

it's like giving an announcement to everyone saying that "player x hit player y!"

i like how there is an RTB pref to disable the announcement, but is it really needed?

it's like giving an announcement to everyone saying that "player x hit player y!"
Thanks for saying something everyone else has already said in this thread.

Thanks for saying something everyone else has already said in this thread.
why the forget did you bump this

why the forget did you bump this
I did..Read other posts ._.