Author Topic: Camermod Not Working!!!! [Right Section This Time]  (Read 2385 times)

I accidentally put this in drama </fail> anyway here's my problem.

Ok, so I went on Blockland to change my skype picture. About 26 files downloaded. I thought nothing of it so I started up my server, and I spawned and placed a brick and lit it. I turned around and pressed C (my keybind for the chase cam) then turned around to face the camera, and nothing happened. I pressed it again. Nothing, so I checked my keybinds. Not only was my keybind not there. THE WHOLE SECTION HAD DISAPPEARED!!!

So I checked my addons folder, I may have deleted it. I had just got out of surgery so I still was recovering from the medication and amnesia.
I checked it and....

Still there. So I left a extremely calm comment on the RTB Downloader.

I make videos so this mod not working is a MAJOR deterrent for me. I scrolled down to look and see if anyone else was having problems....

So it's not just me.
Jookia please fix this :(

I'm quite upset by this too. I made videos also. FIX IT JOOKIA D:

oh goodie i thought i was the only one

This happened to me before and now. Fix it Jookia.

That's because that add-on breaks everything.  It ham-fistedly overwrites the video mode list an causes huge numbers of people to crash.   

Since when did this mod start crashing people. I never experienced problems. I could probably ramble off a whole list of people who have never had a problem the cameramod until the last Blockland update. I don't know what Badspot was talking about.

Rename it Client_CameraMod. Actually worked for me.

All you're doing is circumventing the CDC ban that Badspot has placed in the master server. This mod causes people to crash. Do not use it.

Uhm...It never caused me to crash.

PS:It's Anesthesia, not amnesia.
Former is the stuff that knocks you out, the latter is being unable to remember things.

Sillys. ShadowYoshi found solution.
Filipe videoed it. Click for the new one.

Since when did this mod start crashing people. I never experienced problems. I could probably ramble off a whole list of people who have never had a problem the cameramod until the last Blockland update. I don't know what Badspot was talking about.
People have had multiple help topics about the ratios next to their video modes, plus, you can use video modes that aren't even available on your video card and cause a crash on startup, this is why the add-on was failed.

Sillys. ShadowYoshi found solution.
Filipe videoed it. Click for the new one.
Yup, and I never had a problem with it again. I hope I didn't just jynx it.

Sorry for double toast
All you're doing is circumventing the CDC ban
If by circumventing the ban you mean fixing the addon by accident, then yes, I did. c: