Author Topic: Cant Launch Server  (Read 977 times)

Whenever I try to launch a server, be it LAN, Online, or Single Player, i look at the console and it stops on "CDN Download finished" and the Load Datablocks bar is frozen. Someone help me; I really wanna make my own server.

I have the same problem, but my game crashes at that point.

I have the same problem, but my game crashes at that point.

Not to be mean, but either help or gtfo.

Here's more info: It doesn't freeze, rather it loads a little bit then freezes... then a gain,until i spawn...then it completely locks up.

Also:  Here's a console log (i think)

There is a 99% chance you have an add-on (most likely a playertype/sound/vehicle/gun/anything with a model) that is not made correctly.

Disable add-ons until you figure it out.

There is a 99% chance you have an add-on (most likely a playertype/sound/vehicle/gun/anything with a model) that is not made correctly.

Disable add-ons until you figure it out.

It would really help if you could go over console and make an educated guess which one's screwing up my BL.

Also, before this has happened b4, but it got extreme after i DL'd

Arc's Weapons

yes, i tried to disable them and run, same result: freeze-run -freeze-run-freeze-spawn-freeze.


ok its not those weapons.................

nvm Problem solved.

It was just a malfunctioning add-on.

Thx, Nexus.
