Author Topic: Need ideas for hat  (Read 648 times)

My school is having a hat day coming up and I decided to wear a different hat every period. I found and old army helmet that I decided to wrap a hear warmer around and put stuff in it, like the Soldier's Stash. I have a deck of cards among other stuff, so fire away.

1.find round cooking pot
2.take sticks and put feathers on the end
3.tape sticks onto the pot hat "the hat of many arrows"

wear a fancy fedora and a blighted beak


I need ways to customize my army helmet, not get a new hat.

Put knives and forks in it.

Put knives and forks in it.
but then kids will start calling you names like "dork"

I think you should just wear a hat instead of wasting your time trying to look unique but instead ending up just looking like a complete tool with a pile of junk on his head.
It would probably be the best course of action, all things considered

Put sporks and knorks in it then.

pretty sure helmet =/= hat
helmets are hats are headgear