Author Topic: How to get torque to connect to a url (GET requests)  (Read 1103 times)

Like lets say I wanted to connect to, How do I do that?

Like lets say I wanted to connect to, How do I do that?
BlockOS does this, check it out.

I actually did check BlockOS, but when i tryed to use HTTPObject.get(host:port, url), it just gave the 2 familiar rtb onconnect and disconnect error lines instead of echoing any lines.

This will download a file.

Code: [Select]
$server = "";
$port = 80;
$dir = "/mods/Gamemode_Slayer/Updater/changeLog_Latest.txt";

new TCPObject(tcp);

function tcp::onConnected(%this)
%this.send("GET" SPC $dir SPC "HTTP/1.0\nHost:" SPC $server @ "\n\n");

function tcp::onLine(%this,%line)
warn("LINE:" SPC %line);

if(strPos(%line,"Content-Length:") >= 0)
%this.length = getWord(%line,1);

if(%line $= "")

function tcp::onBinChunk(%this,%chunk)
if(%chunk < %this.length)

%path = "config/server/TCP example.txt";


tcp.connect($server @ ":" @ $port);

That is set to download a file from my website. Simply change $server and $dir (and pick less generic names for everything).

Just to clarify, HTTPObjects do not handle the '&' sign correctly and so cannot work with multiple variables. However TCPObjects can.

You may find this useful:
Code: [Select]
function pswSocket::onAdd( %this )
%this.isShuttingDown = false; // used for ::shutDown()
%this.connected = false; // used for several things, most notably ::attemptConnect()
%this.queueSize = 0; // size of currently cached requests to send
%this.queueState = 0; // current state
   // 0: ready for new request
   // 1: waiting for response header
   // 2: waiting for response content
   // 3: parsing (not used) = ""; // IP address of Python WSGI server.
%this.port = 80; // Port of Python WSGI server.
%this.request = "/serverAPI/%s"; // API path on Python WSGI server.
%this.termChar = "\xFF\xFA\xAA\xAF"; // Character sequence for signalling end of response data (for backwards compatibility).


function pswSocket::shutDown( %this )
if ( %this.isShuttingDown )

%this.isShuttingDown = true;

if ( %this.connected )
%this.schedule( 0, "delete" );

function pswSocket::attemptConnect( %this )
cancel( %this.attemptConnect );

if ( %this.connected )

%this.connect( @ ":" @ %this.port );
%this.attemptConnect = %this.schedule( 30000, "attemptConnect" );

function pswSocket::pushRequest( %this, %request )
%this.queueElement[ %this.queueSize ] = %request;

%this.runQueue(); // If we're already doing something, this function will take care of terminating.

function pswSocket::onConnected( %this )
%this.connected = true;

if ( isEventPending( %this.attemptConnect ) )
cancel( %this.attemptConnect );

function pswSocket::onDisconnect( %this )
%this.connected = false;
%this.queueState = 0; // Reset to ready for new request, we will never get our response if we were waiting for one.

if ( !%this.isShuttingDown )
%this.attemptConnection = %this.schedule( 1000, "attemptConnect" );
%this.schedule( 0, "delete" );

function pswSocket::onLine( %this, %line )
if ( %this.queueState != 1 && %this.queueState != 2 ) // Make sure we want the data.

// Handle headers.
if ( %this.queueState == 1 )
// Add our data.
%this.responseHead = %this.responseHead @ %line;

// Do we have a double-newline (signalling end of headers)?
%pos = strPos( %this.responseHead, "\r\n\r\n" );

if ( %pos >= 0 )
// Get left-over data.
%leftover = getSubStr( %this.responseHead, %pos + 4, strLen( %this.responseHead ) );

// Strip so we only have the header and increase state to data.
%this.responseHead = getSubStr( %this.responseHead, 0, %pos );

// See if we have a Content-Length header (new server).
%pos = strPos( %this.responseHead, "\r\nContent-Length: " );

if ( %pos >= 0 )
%pos += 18;
%end = striPos( %this.responseHead, "\r\n", %pos );

if ( %end >= 0 )
%this.contentLength = getSubStr( %this.responseHead, %pos, %end - %pos );
%this.contentLength = getSubStr( %this.responseHead, %pos, strLen( %this.responseHead ) );
else if ( %this.queueState == 2 ) // Handle data (else because we directly increase it above).
// Add our data.
%this.responseData = %this.responseData @ %line;

// Do we have the Content-Length header (new server)?
if ( %this.contentLength >= 0 )
// If so, check if we exceeded.
if ( strLen( %this.responseData ) >= %this.contentLength )
// Make sure we haven't recieved too much.
%this.responseData = getSubStr( %this.responseData, 0, %this.contentLength );

// Send back a callback for response.
if ( isFunction( %func = "PSW_onRequestDone" ) )
call( %func, %this.responseHead, %this.responseData, %this.requestData );

// Reset our state and get ready for another request.
%this.queueState = 0;
%this.runQueue = %this.schedule( 32, "runQueue" ); // TODO: make request throttle a setting
// See if we got the termination character sequence (old servers are stupid, but we have to keep backwards compatibility).
%pos = strPos( %this.responseData, %this.termChar );

if ( %pos >= 0 )
// Remove everything until the termination character sequence.
%this.responseData = getSubStr( %this.responseData, 0, %pos );

// Send back a callback for response.
if ( isFunction( %func = "PSW_onRequestDone" ) )
call( %func, %this.responseHead, %this.responseData, %this.requestData );

// Reset our state and get ready for another request.
%this.queueState = 0;
%this.runQueue = %this.schedule( 32, "runQueue" ); // TODO: make request throttle a setting

function pswSocket::runQueue( %this )
cancel( %this.runQueue );

if ( %this.queueState != 0 ) // Make sure we're ready for a new request.

if ( !%this.queueSize ) // Make sure we have something to request.

// Remove any left-over data from last request.
%this.requestData = "";
%this.responseHead = "";
%this.responseData = "";
%this.contentLength = -1;

// Get request that patiently waited the longest (is at front of queue).
%this.requestData = %request = %this.queueElement[ 0 ];

// Remove it from the list and push all elements one tick further in the queue.
for ( %i = 0 ; %i < %this.queueSize + 1 ; %i++ )
%this.queueElement[ %i ] = %this.queueElement[ %i + 1 ];

// We removed an element, decrease the size counter.

// Build HTTP request.
%method = "GET";
%path = strReplace( %this.request, "%s", %request );
%http = "HTTP/1.1";
%headers = "User-Agent: Torque/1.0 HTTPQueue/1.1";
%request = %method SPC %path SPC %http @ "\r\n" %headers @ "\r\n\r\n";

// Set up stuff for getting the response early to be on the safe side.
%this.responseHead = "";
%this.responseData = "";

// Send our request.
%this.send( %request );