Author Topic: The Impromptu Show (again again)  (Read 2239 times)

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Yes folks, back for a third go! But this is a special show, because its our two year anniversary!

Exactly two years ago, I wrote this topic. On January 30th, 2010, BPR went live for the first time, and it was you, the Blockland forums, who supported us the most.

Now we're back again and the real slim impromptu will stand up. Backed by the lovely Ephialtes (who most graciously offered to let us advertise RTB on our show) we are now a semi-commercial radio show attempting to provide entertainment to the internets from our own basement.

Hopefully this means a better production considering all the money I've sunk into this project over two years lol.

To save myself from rephrasing, here's a quote from the "season" 2 restart topic. Also yes, this is season 3. Sure they never ran for two full years, but episode 1-9 are called season 1 and 2 because we can call them whatever we want, bitches.

That's right! We're back again! I remember several of you who at least were entertained by the Impromptu Show's inherent wackiness, and quite frankly, we weren't. We've decided to revamp everything. So those of you who did like listening to the show, then the same quirky sense of humor will still be there, however, we plan to be much more organized and treat this much like one would treat a serious syndicated opinion radio. We want to be the Rush Limbaugh of internet radio, sans all the crazy conservative one-sidedness.

I'd have made this topic on Friday or Saturday closer to the actual air date, however due to me being gone for the next three days (as a camp counselor for some kiddies, I know, scary right?) I have no other choice but to post this now.

Here's the bottom line guys, the Blockland audience is all I really have to drum up support. We need you guys now more than ever. I really want this to be successful, even if it's only small time success among you guys, however I can't do that unless the rest of my crew has the want to do it along with me. So I want to ask you all a simple and easy favor.

Got an opinion? Obviously you do, I've seen it on the forums. You like to argue here, why not voice your opinions literally? I takes one simple Skype call and you can be a live guest on talk show that isn't scary to be on, because its not like the whole world is listening. It's just us, and you talk to us all the time. So why not do it now?

I need callers, is what I'm tl:dr-ing about. A radio show of this format is nothing without even the occasional caller who has something funny, witty, or insightful to say. Drop in even for a moment if you can, we'd love to have you on the show. Hell, we're begging to have you on the show.

So I ask two questions with this post, beyond simply telling you that we're having a show. First, I want to know how many of you plan (and or can) listen to the show this Saturday (because remember, there will be a nonlive podcast coming out the day after. This time on iTunes too) and if so, can or will you please call in?

I understand if you don't want to, but then, come on, what's it gonna hurt?

Pay attention to the follow links on the website:

When the purple link is visible, we're live (or most likely the server is active and rerunning old episodes). If it's grey and says offline, obviously this means we're not broadcasting live.

Get Skype, it's important.

tl;dr Are you going to listen to the show live if you can, and will you please call in?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 10:06:21 AM by Swholli »

I think I remember this, never really payed any attention to it though since other things were happening
I might join

Yeah, this should be a pretty good show. We've got topics lined up that we know stuff about and should be able to talk about.

We also have a special guest, our friend Greg, filling in for Gina. He's a crazy dude coming back home all the way from Cincinnati University.

we can call in?
that sounds neat, i might join.

Yes, we'd love to have listeners call in to discuss topics.

New show is on constant 24/7 loop.

Listen whenever you want whenever you can.

"...our one listener..."
I feel so special!

And I can't tell, does the "listen live" pop up while it's looping? lol

Yeah it's looping.
Fix that I feel stupid!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 02:11:11 AM by Skip »

Not to confuse anyone, but yes what is playing right now was recorded last night and thus is actually not live, but a recording. lol

i missed it live last night because the .pls file wouldn't play, but i'm listening now.

We're doing a show tonight about Ron Paul and Black History month, should be interesting.

Hit refresh until we're up at 9.