Author Topic: What are good server ideas?  (Read 1598 times)

Well im setting up my computer and i should be able to host a dedi by friday so i want ideas.
please suggest legitimate stuff. stuff that would be fun and worth to play

Nub initiation


Make an air show.


i've been saying this for months, people!


Vehicular Challenge. Basically make a challenge but with jeeps and stuff, I made a few short ones for the jeep but it never took off.

farm an fire wizrds come to bern the farm up so u gotter beat them up

Old school rocket/rocket jumping DM/TDM

Make some kind of TDM, but really put some effort into it.  People eally like it when TDMs have some kind of buying-stuff-with-points-system.  And if you know how to script, consider making a script for it as well.

a recreation of LSD on blockland

SWAT vs Terrorists (Counter-Strike) Minigame.
It would need a buyscript GUI and what not.

Or do a Rocket-Jumping server. Look at some Doom Jumpmazes for inspirations.

i can do buying with points with vce

hide and go murder is always fun
so are falling platforms
and dogfights

i love any server that has sort of 'oh my god i don't trust you are you the murderer' stuff