Author Topic: Canoes  (Read 4827 times)

Bring back the canoes, puhleeze.

And if anyone has a screenshot of one or can open the .dts file so you can show us what they look like, THEN DO IT GOD DAMNIT.[/COLOR]

That is all.


Replace with horse.dts.  Hope not to fail.  Profit.

I found a canoe in the current ver

How do YOU know :P For all you know, Badspot stopped respawning them, and they are scattered across the map :o and he makes them save where they are so when the server restarts, they go back there.

Because the AoT map is surprisingly small.  After the main map, it just goes into repeats...And people used to explore the whole damn map.  Someone would have found them.

That, and I remember the thread the boat named horse was mentioned in (both times).

Well where's that canoe Shadowhero found? How old is the pic? Also, the canoes could be in repeats, maybe even far off, like 50 repeats away O_O

You haven't lurked here for very long, have you?  :cookieMonster: 

There are no canoes anymore.  Badspot took them out because asshats would take a canoe and ditch it somewhere stupid, leave it there and slow the server down.  They weren't very useful, and they slowed the server, so Badspot took them out. (I'm pretty sure that's why.  I'm sure someone will correct me.)

That pic is from the second occurrence of a boat named horse, because it's traveling on land.  The first one was just a normal canoe.

I have been around AoT for a while...but can't he have it auto respawn at town after being out of a certain area for long enough? and limit how many spawn so it won't lag? without them, water is lethal to most everyone, even people who are professionals at AoT would be hard to avoid sea monsters...wait...Canoes can get hurt...? I forgot

I found the canoe in that puddle originaly then someone blowed it up like 3 days later

It would have eventually died due to a server reset anyway.

I remember when that one canoe was found. I hijacked it on the way to the Log Challenge and blew it up.

O_O Badspot should make a limit 1 canoe with respawn in town like I said, that way it doesn't lag much. We need a canoe...

I think canoes for 1k
in the shop
Would bring more players back?