Author Topic: [Open Discussion] Mapping in v21 with Modular Set Pieces  (Read 14556 times)

Sweet, that's awesome.

OP is fantastic in every way.

Neat...  I have a few mixed feelings though.

The modular buildings should look like something you could actually build in Blockland. That way people could create a quick sky scraper, but have a few of the floors be interactive.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


? What do you mean by that?
? What do you mean by that?
It means it sounds like minecraft.

But I realized this is more like Roblox's voxel generation system, wheras it smoothes out terrain with ramps just like this one.
(i would post a pic but it wont let me upload pics from roblox's website)

They look really nice, I am excited for the update. I probably missed something, but are the buildings enterable?

This would make me ditch terrain right now if this is made. This system could be more user friendly, and maps could look x10 cooler!

They look really nice, I am excited for the update. I probably missed something, but are the buildings enterable?
It's mostly intended for static things that are used as decorations. You could make some very simple things that you can walk into (like the arch and castle wall bricks) but anything particularly complicated would not be possible due to limits on collision mesh complexity. It's physically possible to model extremely complex things, but there is a limit to how complex things can be before you can't build or walk around them. However, all you really need to do is make the interior a simple box and let people fill in the rest with bricks.

On the other hand, if you want to build something that people can really interact with and walk around, regular bricks are probably better. The goal of set pieces is to replace maps, not replace building stuff out of blocks. The two will work nicely together as well -- you can build a skyscraper out of set pieces, then put guard rails, antennas, a landing pad, and vents on the roof with regular blocks. You won't have any of the problems of regular interiors, like stuff not aligning to the grid and pieces getting stuck.

this is a great idea. maybe kids will finally stop whining in the dev topic.

Couldnt we just have a large invisible interior brick that acts like the water brick minus the fact that you float in it? That way you can walk through it and build in it?

If badspot doesn't simplify custom bricks, even making simple special bricks like corners or hollow bricks would be a pain in the ass to make.

i support this idea
Brick makers could actually make maps and so could Mega Bear, Antares, Nasoa and Ostinyo (The 4 best map makers)

great idea, great idea!!!!:)