Author Topic: Auto Updates in Steam?  (Read 2467 times)

Hi, I am sorta new to Steam(about 2 or 3 months) and I have a question. Is it possible to play games that need updating? I had to uninstall Skyrim and then Reinstall it but I still have the updates. The problem with the update is that t is 5,016 MB which, if I downloaded it at my house I would slow our internet down to the same speed as dial up. I hardly ever get to go to the library or mcdonalds anymore because I moved from online school to public schools so I don't have time anymore to spend time at the library. So can i disable auto updating and still be able to play my games?

Hi, I am sorta new to Steam(about 2 or 3 months) and I have a question. Is it possible to play games that need updating? I had to uninstall Skyrim and then Reinstall it but I still have the updates. The problem with the update is that t is 5,016 MB which, if I downloaded it at my house I would slow our internet down to the same speed as dial up. I hardly ever get to go to the library or mcdonalds anymore because I moved from online school to public schools so I don't have time anymore to spend time at the library. So can i disable auto updating and still be able to play my games?

I think there is something about low bandwidth internet on the steam troubleshooting site. Go check there.

I did. couldn't find anything.

yes, you can disable auto update and keep playing your games

but if the game is multiplayer, you wont be able to play online

but its skyrim so no prob

yes, you can disable auto update and keep playing your games

but if the game is multiplayer, you wont be able to play online

but its skyrim so no prob
Do you know how?

Do you know how?
right click the game

right click the game
That doesn't work. I did that and it still updates. It starts up the pop up that says "Preparing to launch The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim then it starts the updating pop up. What do?

Download overnight.
it is 5,016 MB which, if I downloaded it at my house I would slow our internet down to the same speed as dial up.

...are you saying you have data limits?
I thought you meant that it would be as slow as dial up for everything else because the download would be taking up all your bandwidth.
I download at 900 bytes a second. I would be happy to use dial up again.

...are you saying you have data limits?
I thought you meant that it would be as slow as dial up for everything else because the download would be taking up all your bandwidth.
I download at 900 bytes a second. I would be happy to use dial up again.
how much do you pay per month and who is the provider?

It's not updating, it's installing.
It says it's updating but that's because you are reinstalling, there is no way to play a game that isn't properly installed. Sorry but you're gonna have to download it.

...are you saying you have data limits?
I thought you meant that it would be as slow as dial up for everything else because the download would be taking up all your bandwidth.
I download at 900 bytes a second. I would be happy to use dial up again.
I don't know the limit but I know its not unlimited because I live in the middle of nowhere.
how much do you pay per month and who is the provider?
we live in the country(meaning not in the city, not meaning in USA) so its through Satellite(spelling). I pay around $80 and Its my provider is WildBlue.