Author Topic: [BoT] Builders of Tommorow- We Build, We Care  (Read 5390 times)

We Build, We Care

Builders of Tomorrow is a group of advanced builders with a common purpose, Build a better tommorow one brick at a time. The clan was started about a year ago when Capt.Tan started some detailed builds and many wanted to help out. He decided, if all these people want to build together I might as well start a clan. AND HE DID, today that wonderful clan is called BoT!

If you are looking to apply to BoT make an app on your own sever or on our clan sever hosted by Capt.Tan . Then either contact me,Capt.Tan or Lolasuarus. REQUIREMENTS: The app must be on a base plate of 32x32 or larger. The app must have an interior and exterior. Also don't make the interior good and the exterior sloppy or the other way around. For best results try to use as much detail as you can.

Capt.Tan Creator/Leader/Directer/Host/Super Admin

More members are coming

1.If you join the server, don't say something like: I m N teh can, giv meh adzmin
This will result in a kick, and second time will result you kicked out of the clan.

2.Don't brag on the server, that you are in the clan, and they are no yet.

3.Clan tags are [BoT] and don't have to always be worn, only on the server, if you see a non clan member
wearing clan tags report it imedietly.

4.If you see Ladezkik on the server, dont freak out or say anything stupid for he is my good friend.

5.Have fun and good luck
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 01:50:28 PM by Capt.Tan »

Sorry, im VERY new to the forums.

Dont be afraid to post!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 08:24:28 AM by Capt.Tan »

 I'll post build pics soon :nes:
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 05:14:11 PM by Capt.Tan »

     Yeah rude ,Im new to forums but im a great builder.

Im a great builder.

Indeed you are, but this is going to be flamed if you don't use a proper Layout, example:
(Logo Here)
Information(about the clan, its purpose, when it was created)
News(about events that are taking place)
Applying (Include more information, like restrictions ex: Must contain more than 1000 bricks)
Members(who are in the clan)
Rules (rules of the clan, pretty simple)
OPTIONAL: Server Status(So people will know if the server will be up or not)
OPTIONAL: Gallery(Picture's of your good builds)
OPTIONAL: Uniform(what clan members must wear, including clan tags)
Other examples of good layouted clan topics include:

BTW I would not have typed all that if I did not see your building skills, anyway good luck, hope this survives.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 07:57:08 AM by s245 »

Well Thankyou! I need the help

You used headings, but you should also add emphasis to the headings, such as bold and italics.

Also, nice build!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 12:07:51 AM by wolfy »

Tried but it wouldnt work

          Drop by the sever sometime

A nice little logo I made on Cooltext. Feel free to use it if you want.

Also, if you want me to change it, just ask.