Author Topic: What have been your weird experiences?  (Read 1142 times)

One night I was watching a movie in my house with some friends. The movie was insidious. Pretty scary. And all of the sudden my dads flashlight turns on. So we yell over to see if someone's messin with us. No answer. I was brave enough to walk over and look. No one was there. All of the family members were upstairs. So I'm about to turn around and walk away, and the light turns off. I started freaking the tits out.
So I go upstairs and tel my dad what just happened and he says:

"oh, the batteries just died. Don't worry. It always does this."

I was all like thank god.

Post your weirdo experiences

There was this one time were I kept hearing moans in my room. In my room not comIng from outside. They were very faint an vague too.

There was this one time were I kept hearing moans in my room. In my room not comIng from outside. They were very faint an vague too.
People were having love in your room.

People were having love in your room.
ghosts were.

I was only one in there

all those times you're at a public place and you say "mom/dad" and you see the person you're talking too is a stranger.

all those times you're at a public place and you say "mom/dad" and you see the person you're talking too is a stranger.
Like how were on a public forum posting quotes to complete strangers.

Like how were on a public forum posting quotes to complete strangers.

Back during that snowstorm on the East Coast in October, my cousin was staying the night. We were watching Marble Hornets and the power went out. There were flashlights and matches out in the garage, so we had to go get them. The place looked like a wasteland. It was eleven at night, it was bright outside, the sky was some shade of orange or green, snow everywhere, fallen trees. It just looked so unreal, especially with the snow in October.

You may call it lucid dreaming but...

When I was 7, I was sleeping and I had the feeling that I awoke suddenly, looked at my blinds from my bed, and saw the light coming in was blue like halfway between the light at 5:45AM and 6:45AM and the light outside began to glow more and more.  My ceiling fan seamed to speed up more and more, became almost perfectly silent and then the air stopped moving.  I saw some items being lifted off the shelves and move around the room.  I felt myself growing lighter.  Things started moving in a circular motion around my room until I started being lifted up.  This loud hellish screeching sound started to come from all angles and it hurt my ears.  I was floating around the room in circles with the stuff.  I was scared out of my mind, when all of the sudden the sound stopped slowly and things landed just where they were originally and I hovered just above my bed.  I felt like I was falling back to sleep and closed my eyes slowly.  I woke up and got this sudden falling sensation, in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, looked around the room and a bunch of items were rattling.  The light from outside was dimmer and the fan was working normally.

Not sure if a dream counts as an experience, but it felt real.

Still haunts me a little today.

joining bl forums xd!!
user was band 4 dis post!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 01:31:23 AM by ._maxwell23461_. »