Author Topic: How many dramas have you had?  (Read 5157 times)


The idea that everyone might hate me took a heavy toll on my mind, I was only 12 or so at the time

2 times. 1 was for some BS reason the other,

the same as the first...

I got threatened with a Drama once because on my TDM I used to camp at the top of the cliff and use a shotgun to make people fly off it.

too hard to count, i know i've had a heap but they've been spread over so many different accounts that it's impossible to tell


all of them were by handicaps.

Not counting the one Skyler made as a "joke" or the one pointlessly stating the fact that they were banned from my server, only one, and it barely counts because it was by Tezuni.

Not counting the one Skyler made as a "joke" or the one pointlessly stating the fact that they were banned from my server, only one, and it barely counts because it was by Tezuni.
Ah Tezuni.

What's he up to nowadays?

Bones made one that included my name within the title, along with a few others. It was a gag drama to thank us for our contribution to his Titanic build.

one that wasn't actually meant for me
(one of my dumbass admins; op got his stuff wrong)