
Which ladders do you prefer?

V8 brick ladders
13 (32.5%)
velocity ladders
18 (45%)
zone events
9 (22.5%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Author Topic: V8 brick ladders or evented ladders  (Read 2701 times)

What kind of ladders do you like? I can't believe people stopped using v8 brick ladders. They surprisingly work quite well. You have to look up, crouch and jump. It feels much more natural.

Player touch event ladders just get messy and you may end up hitting the ceiling or something. You can even abuse velocity ladders by choosing where you want to go in the air.

As for zone events you will either get stuck or unable to go down.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 12:59:39 AM by Lord Tony² »

ive never seen v8 brick ladders

a good reason why people probably don't use them is
they just aren't default and not everyone uses them so your build may end up getting broken sometimes.

and if they're v8 do they still work

I prefer evented ladders but I'm very picky about the way they're evented.  I HATE onPlayerTouch ones and I hate when only one tiny section of the ladder is clickable.

I usually have the ladders set to setVelocity (so you can't ultrajump with them) and I have every part of the ladder evented up to a certain height.  and SOMETIMES I also put invisible bricks with rayCasting in between the holes in the ladder so you can literally click anywhere on/near the ladder and it will still work.

The V8 technique was awful, it never worked.

There's the zone ladder brick which just slowly raises you up but the set height makes it annoying to use in situations.

There's the zone ladder brick which just slowly raises you up but the set height makes it annoying to use in situations.
but it doesn't work when you load it unless the angleID is a certain thing because it doesn't know how to math

I prefer evented ladders but I'm very picky about the way they're evented.  I HATE onPlayerTouch ones and I hate when only one tiny section of the ladder is clickable.

I usually have the ladders set to setVelocity (so you can't ultrajump with them) and I have every part of the ladder evented up to a certain height.  and SOMETIMES I also put invisible bricks with rayCasting in between the holes in the ladder so you can literally click anywhere on/near the ladder and it will still work.

Jirue I was able to exploit all your ladders in that Dam deathmatch.

The V8 technique was awful, it never worked.

It works for me all the time.

What are the differences and can i have
a picture?

When I make my smooth ladders, I have it so when you're touching the ladder brick and holding down MouseFire you move up, otherwise you slowly descend. Adds velocity so it's very smooth. =)

When I make my smooth ladders, I have it so when you're touching the ladder brick and holding down MouseFire you move up, otherwise you slowly descend. Adds velocity so it's very smooth. =)

tutorial please.

tutorial please.
Use VCE to check if they're firing onPlayerTouch, if yes apply velocity on the Z axis.

Use VCE to check if they're firing onPlayerTouch, if yes apply velocity on the Z axis.
beat me

When I make my smooth ladders, I have it so when you're touching the ladder brick and holding down MouseFire you move up, otherwise you slowly descend. Adds velocity so it's very smooth. =)
I'm gonna start using that technique!

Similar to the image below, but with checks for <var:pl:firing>, and smaller adds if the player isn't firing. Could also use <var:pl:jetting> I believe.. In case you're using it in a shooting minigame that requires the firing key for weapons.

I'll create a exact example tomorrow. 3:50 AM and I should probably sleep. =P

I usually prefer more of default methods myself.