Author Topic: Laser gas  (Read 2522 times)

I don't know anything about this but theres a laser that shoots at a drone and can power the drone to stay in the air for up to 5 years.

Well it's too bad you don't know anything about this

Well it's too bad you don't know anything about this

Well who told me thats classified it just this is a government secret, I think.

Quality thread, 10/10 would read again

Your secret is most definitely safe with this forum

You're a loving idiot.

Your secret is most definitely safe with this forum

Informating from LOS ALMOS WORKER.

You're a loving idiot.
Wrong just when they annouce it you'll think hmm poopsicle knew about it. AND WAS RIGHT

Wrong just when they annouce it you'll think hmm poopsicle knew about it. AND WAS RIGHT
I lol'd

I lol'd

I already know cause a guy at los almos told meh loved one then he told me.

yeah DJ Dash3r, get it right