Author Topic: Please Forgive Me  (Read 2416 times)

Hey guys,

Sorry about being a richard on the forums lately. I really am sorry.

I hope you forgive me and like me again :)


Quote from: Blake's profile desc
That Cool Guy
No thank you.

Also, you can't just make a topic and expect people to like you again. That's what I did once. It gets you even more hate. You better start locking the topics before people start hating you even more, or editing the posts to something more sensible.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 04:06:33 PM by ChappersTeddy »

I was going to change that. Thanks for reminding me.

What were you even doing? All I remember is that you had not so great jokes on my 'You know you're from Blockland when...' cause you didn't get the point of it.

Rule #5 of the Internet -
Anonymous never forgives.

(Goes in conjunction with Rule #3):
We are Anonymous.

Rule #5 of the Internet -
Anonymous never forgives.

(Goes in conjunction with Rule #3):
We are Anonymous.
No, you are Kaphonaits.

Rule #5 of the Internet -
Anonymous never forgives.

(Goes in conjunction with Rule #3):
We are Anonymous.
This is the blockland forums not the mafia.


One letter post?

Pulling Badspot's leg, my job.

I have a feeling this will backfire some how.

I forgive....


for eating TWO COOKIES when I wanted one

as for get the deth penelty which is....a bad spanking

alot of people on the forums are just total jackasses and dont have a heart so when they see this they acctully forgive you but they want to be all cool so they say they still hate you but they really dont

This is the blockland forums not the mafia.

It ISN'T? Then whaddam I dooin here?

Hey guys,

Sorry about being a richard on the forums lately. I really am sorry.

I hope you forgive me and like me again :)

The way you acted to me on your crappy boss battles topic was more ridiculous then I can ever imagine.

                                       NO FORGIVENESS