Author Topic: Realm of the Mad God [plz free itens]  (Read 100860 times)

I just mainly play on "best server".

forget, my best wizard died because I wanted to quickly go to oryx, someone apparently did not kill every brute on the way.

ah forget yeah
sup def from ent
then a drop from a god (so i have 2 sup def rings)
then i got shotgunned by horrid reaper...
10 health left. nexus'd quickly.

double post, sorry.
but i was at oryx.

lots of other people died, too. but i went to nexus because i was paralyzed and i do not want to die :c

BUT ANYWAY, someone gave me a free necro staff and archon sword <33

I just got to level 20 on a wizard, and I feel accomplished now.

Now to die

I just got to level 20 on a wizard, and I feel accomplished now.

how long

Killed a Horned Drake in 4 seconds as level 7.

I feel accomplished now.

from septivatuaisa9dfa8f the ghost god
I seriously cannot even SEE those brown bullets (well, i can, but they're too GOD DAMN TINY) and i dont notice that im losing health

from septivatuaisa9dfa8f the ghost god
I seriously cannot even SEE those brown bullets (well, i can, but they're too GOD DAMN TINY) and i dont notice that im losing health
When I fight him alone, I usually stare at my health and run away if it is low

When I fight him alone, I usually stare at my health and run away if it is low
I did that before
but the priest was like "I HAVE NO MP!!!!!!!!!" and his MP was full :(

If there's a priest/paladin, i just count on them.

Just had my most successful oryx run so far.
I got Roc Leather Armor x2, a def pot, and an att pot
edit: my character as of right now
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 08:44:01 PM by Private McDoggy »

Just had my most successful oryx run so far.
I got Roc Leather Armor x2, a def pot, and an att pot
edit: my character as of right now

I find it really intriguing that you have maxed speed and potted other stats, yet on the surface your gear is terrible. I really congratulate you, I didn't think anyone on the forums was actually good enough to keep a character and max it too.

You're awesome!

I find it really intriguing that you have maxed speed and potted other stats, yet on the surface your gear is terrible. I really congratulate you, I didn't think anyone on the forums was actually good enough to keep a character and max it too.

You're awesome!
i never EVER maxed a stat yet

i never EVER maxed a stat yet

Take everything into consideration:

You mainly play wizard, however you cannot afford the gear for it because you cannot get enough items before dying.

You should find a different class, but I personally don't think that wizard suits you. But that's just my take, you can do whatever you want :P