Author Topic: Nerf Maverick (Yellow) 110 downloads!  (Read 9342 times)

« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 10:26:00 AM by dell2 »

Um, you just changed one single color. About anybody can do that you know, I'd say lock this as well especially the fact you can't get it renamed so it won't get overwritten.

Not anyone, im not sure how one goes and export's a dts to a milkshape file, or what ever it is you use.

Now to make a version where the dart tip isn't yellow. I've re-colored my maverick like you, and it shot yellow suction-cups. This is because the dart copies the colors from the main model.

Exactly, if i wasn't lazy right now i'd import it on shaper and fix it.

This is so cool make more nerf guns dude soooo cool  :cookieMonster: :cookie: :panda: :iceCream: :nes:
You loving idiot.
just 2 thing.
the first thing.
i waited for this 1 damned year.
the another thing.make more.NOW.
loving read you inbred.

You loving idiot.loving read you inbred.
Please check the date of the post.

Piss off, guys. He recolored a model, he didn't claim credit for making it in the first place, he credited the original maker, he's not making money off of it, I don't see a problem here.

Am I seeing Adz' Brown Emotes pack?

Yes you are, yes you are.