Author Topic: WARNING  (Read 4737 times)

Thats creepy.. :/ never thought of that.

Or Me O_o

Wait no.

I'm Trueno. Keep forgetting

It's the Commies, out to get our precious bodily fluids! I will award the internet to anyone who got that reference.

You cannot give me something that I already possess, if so, it would make you an apologetic thief.

Or Me O_o

Wait no.

I'm Trueno. Keep forgetting

Mabey you ARE him!!!

I've been told that its Trendo (or something) who is alias who is i think someone else who is the server crasher

Trueno isn't the guy, I've seen him in-game before without crashing.  :cookieMonster:

i think i know why it crashes you no that 1001010010101 person thing yeah with that name is computer type and its to long and silly with numbers and after he leaves or event do anything it crashes!

Someone by the name of __________ came and crashed Wallet's freebuild server. I'm not sure if its the same person or not.

Hah, take that modify button!

Yeah, so I guess that server crashed because it was running while Badspot updated, so it didn't have the update yet.


  • Administrator
Dedicated servers don't auto update.  Especially not while running.

So what was the cause of this Badspot?

I'm not sure if this is relevant but a guy named "nowscout" posted this on the RTB forums.

ok so heres the problem i have retail blockland whenever i start or join a server it laggs untill i alt-F4 could it be my computer i use a dell is that the problem

He posted his console code in a later post and I saw this...

ERROR: GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame() - Client "Blockhead" has no brick group.
CDROP: 4608 IPX:696D6500:4D6178537761:21625
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

It sounds like the same guy. He seems like it wasn't intentional. Hope this gets sorted out and he gets his key back.

You can see the whole thread here...

Please ignore the fact that I tried to help him but obviously have little chance of doing so...