Author Topic: Does ID Matter?  (Read 3458 times)

Although, one time I got someone with a 4-digit ID(forget what it was exactly) come into my server and hit me in the face with a hammer and not talk at all.

Yes. A 35k who can build well is an alt.

Apparently it used to matter. Back then I used to get banned just for having my high ID at the time.

No. I am tired of ID national socialists bitching at me because my ID is 30051. I worked with the demo for two years in singleplayer to learn how everything worked and to practice my aim, and I've outsniped, outevented, outgunned, outrocketed, and outbuilded many ID national socialists (I even outscripted one, he couldn't even edit and I made an akimbo raygun). And they all still just insulted me condescendingly and left.
I've met 10k IDs who are dumber than me. So no, I don't think it does.
What DOES matter is anyone who...
1. Randomly walks up to you and tries to hammer you to death
2. Never EVER uses chat
3. Doesn't understand that weapons can't hurt people outside of minigames in most servers
4. Still has the default Blockhead<id> name (note there are a FEW exceptions to this)
5. Places random 1x1 spam bricks to spawn weapons and doesn't delete them afterwards.
6. Ignores all rules about what weapons and vehicles and playertypes are allowed
7. Spams anything (physics vehicles, projectiles, emitters/particles, physics, bots, item spawns, etc.)

On a vaguely related note, no server should even have any weapons that are 'not allowed'. Just unzip the file, find the weapon item, and use code from Guns Akimbo's server.cs in the console to set the UI name to blank so that players cannot ever select that item until it is changed.

I know 10kers who can't figure that out.

ID means little to nothing. So I could do without the ID profiling. Thank you.

What's wrong with that?

i'm more likely to stay on a server if it's low id, i'd be more interested to see what they've built etc
just a habit

From personal experience, it seems like people who either have very high IDs or haven't changed their name don't like to talk or obey rules and spam a lot. Just sayin'. Although I can't say anything, I'm a 17k.


Look at me, and I'm 30K

IDs do matter, some people change their names so damn much, you couldn't identify them without the ID.


Look at me, and I'm 30K
And you are stupid. A fine example.

ID's don't matter, a person with a 35k ID maybe played the demo for long time.
That was my problem, it took 2 years to get my parents to loving buy Blockland D=

But if your name contains 'Blockhead', that does matter

ID's don't matter, a person with a 35k ID maybe played the demo for long time.
That was my problem, it took 2 years to get my parents to loving buy Blockland D=

But if your name contains 'Blockhead', that does matter
Not really.
I know a blockhead who was pretty decent, but he was all like "what's the point of changing your name?"

The only time I use ID to set people apart, is when a person who is around my ID (14745) I have a connection with them, I find few 14k'rs so it's nice when I do. That and anyone below 10k is occational more well known or used to the game. I've seen many good 30k and all, the lower ID's just have a sign saying that you should expect some good from them.
Unfortunately that means High ID's have a sign saying they should expect a kick soon.

Welcome back to the forums pancake, I see you haven't posted for 3 years.