I recently decided that we need to start to get some variation on our maps for V21. With that, I will be releasing packs for V21. Each map will contain it's own variations of maps. My first set will be a Texture Inspired back. Download it below.
J21 - TexturesContents- Cement I & II
- Wood I & II
- Grass I
- Carpet I & II
- Bedroom
- Dead Grass
Total: 9 Maps
CementCement is a lighter texture cement. The texture in this map is something you would see on a sidewalk. This map is ideal for races, etc.
Cement IICement II, the twin of Cement I, is a darker version of Cement. The texture in this map was taken off of a paved road. This gives it its darker look.
WoodSimilar to a Gym Floor, Wood displays a perfect looping wooden texture. Unique and the only one in its class, Wood is not like any other map you have seen.
Wood IIWood II, like Cement II, is the darker twin of its class. Instead of a Gym Floor look, we added a "Home" look. This wood may be familiar to you. Wood II represents finished dark wood.
GrassAs with any texture map pack, you need a matching grass pack to be complete. J12 - Textures contains a unique grass texture that fits the V21 bill with lighting.
CarpetDo you love carpets? If you answered yes, or no, then this map is perfect for you. Featuring a tiled texture carpet, this map will suit any of your building needs.
Carpet IIUnlike Carpet, Carpet II does not feature textured carpets. Carpet II features a colored carpet(blue) that is similar to Bedroom.
BedroomDon't want to say good bye to the Bedroom? With J21 - Bedroom, you don't have to. This map features the Bedroom Roof Texture, and clone replica lighting of the Bedroom. The Bedroom lives on.
Dead GrassLooking for an apocalyptic type J21 Map? Dead Grass is the map for you. Dead Grass features a yellow tinted grass to give the effect of being dead. However, there are small hints that the grass was once alive, and that whatever happened, it happened recently.
These are my first shots at maps, and they are only meant to be texture focused. Let me know what you think.
Gallery (excuse quality)

Next Update (est. 1-2 days)
The next update will fix any bug fixes, as well as custom skies. I was toying around with which skies to use, and didn't want to pause the release to make a custom one.
Download (est. 3-5 minutes)