Author Topic: I got strep throat...  (Read 1274 times)

I feel like crap. :(

So, I wake up this morning with a extremely sore throat, so sore it felt like it was closing up. I went to the doctor and got one of the most strongest antibiotics they got.

BUT HERE'S THE IRONY: The strep culture was NEGATIVE at first.

Yeah nothing in medicine is reliable

Get better soon

heated salted water

heated salted water
Bleh salt water.

Wait it out man I always did. Also don't cough or it will hurt A LOT

Bleh salt water.

Wait it out man I always did. Also don't cough or it will hurt A LOT
why would you do this instead of just taking medicine

Trying to tough guy it

why would you do this instead of just taking medicine
We always lacked medicine when the time came. We would usually get some those cherry throat things but they never help.They just taste awesome.


We always lacked medicine when the time came. We would usually get some those cherry throat things but they never help.They just taste awesome.
ah i see now
and yes those things taste badass

why would you do this instead of just taking medicine
Medicine wont solve all your problems

ah i see now
and yes those things taste badass
I would take and wait to get a hurting throat or something just so I can get some their so bad ass tasting. I'm like nom nom nom soooo good but the pain sucks.
They need to make a candy that taste like those.

Oh my loving hell. Strep sucks HUGE ASS. I've only had it once and I hated every moment of it.
They gave me some penicillin pills that cured that stuff within two days.

well at least it is better than having one of your best friends commiting Self Delete
get better soon

BUT HERE'S THE IRONY: The strep culture was NEGATIVE at first.
You mean, the super-fast inaccurate one got it wrong at first, but the 24 hour correct one said you had it...

well at least it is better than having one of your best friends commiting Self Delete
get better soon
Because your friend killed themselves right?