Author Topic: Eussorus' failure to the path of self-realization  (Read 6282 times)

It was a joke.
Do you watch two and a half men :/?
Its supposed to be funny. Adult joke or somthing. Just like pocket monsters

It was a joke.
Do you watch two and a half men :/?
no but I've heard the theme song.

He still has a lack of logic in general.

no but I've heard the theme song.

YOU still has a lack of logic in general.

Ya I completely agree with OP.

Juicebox used to be such a great guy until he had a little quarel with Nobot.

I think he's just going through those teenage phases and will prolly snap out of it in a year or so. It's all just a matter of time and maturity. I miss the old Eussy.

bump because he's a dumbass stuff-licker
funny because you're still not responding to my response.

I find it increadibly funny that you bumped my drama for one little thing, then flame me.
hopefully bye.

funny because you're still not responding to my response.

I find it increadibly funny that you bumped my drama for one little thing, then flame me.
hopefully bye.
Are you handicapped?  Serious question.

I wasn't trying to make a replica, If you would read it, I said it's an example than you can make a chat with events, Xalos, denied that he didn't use events for the chat, which is quite impossible, if not please tell me how.
I just said he takes things seriously, I wasn't making a joke out of it.
Again, you're digging a bigger hole by twisting your own words around like a moron.  The mousetrap is already clamped onto you.

I just noticed this

eussorus + nobot = huge argument
eussorus + lamebro = huge argument
eussorus + bones = huge argument

imo it's safe to say eussorus is a Stocking incarnate

Lol, Eussorus starts flame everywhere doesn't he?

funny because you're still not responding to my response.

I find it increadibly funny that you bumped my drama for one little thing, then flame me.
hopefully bye.

You should be banned for senseless flaming you buzzkill

Xalos' thread was a joke thread, if you hadn't noticed when you started attacking him for making it.

me and nobot are friends now.

You should be banned for senseless flaming you buzzkill
even if I did flame, I'm sure you would flame just as much as I would.

Xalos' thread was a joke thread, if you hadn't noticed when you started attacking him for making it.

I wasn't attacking his thread.  I said something like "events and photoshopped" and he is like "incorrect" and I said "some of it has to be with events"

So I decided to show him you can do it with events, I said "I will be back in one hour, I'm going to go do this with events" and he is like "one hour?, you're pathetic" and that's where the actually argument started.

I am done with that thread and this bullstuff conversation over that one little thing.

even if I did flame, I'm sure you would flame just as much as I would.

No I wouldn't.

I wasn't attacking his thread.  I said something like "events and photoshopped" and he is like "incorrect" and I said "some of it has to be with events"

So I decided to show him you can do it with events, I said "I will be back in one hour, I'm going to go do this with events" and he is like "one hour?, you're pathetic" and that's where the actually argument started.

I am done with that thread and this bullstuff conversation over that one little thing.

You decided to be a buzzkillington and ruin the whole damn joke

gg jerk

This is a very easy meditation to feel the connection with ourselves. To achieve Self-Realization is something Yogi's have strived their whole lives meditating in caves to achieve, but with this meditation we can achieve it in a matter of days. We are all spiritual people, but knowing how to connect is something we can learn. This meditation is taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who has worked her whole life to transform the whole world.

Learn that inside all of us we have a spiritual energy which loves us very much and is like our own mother. We will be asking her for the connection to ourselves.

Take off your shoes and sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the ground, not touching each other.

Put your left hand on your lap or leg with your palm facing up.

Put your right hand on the left side of your heart, covering the pectoral. Ask inside "Mother, am I the pure eternal spirit?" (name any power/deity you feel comfortable with) Repeat 3x.

Take your right hand and place it one hand-width down, level with your solar-plexus but still on the left side of your chest. Ask inside, "Mother, am I my own Master?" Repeat 3x.

Take your right hand and place it one hand-width down, just above your hip. Say inside, "Mother, please give me Pure Knowledge." Repeat 6x.

Move your right hand back up one hand-width, and say inside, full of belief, "Mother, I AM my own Master!" Repeat 10x.

Move your right hand back up one hand-width so it is level with your heart again, and say inside full of belief, "Mother I AM the Spirit!" Repeat 12x.

Turn your head all the way to the right and place your right hand on the left side of your neck/shoulder and say inside, "Mother, I am guiltless." Repeat 16x.

Put your right hand on your forehead, fingers together, and squeeze your temples (even if your fingers don't reach try to squeeze) Say sincerely from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Repeat as many times as necessary until you feel you forgive everyone, generally. Don't think of individuals you need to forgive.

We also ask forgiveness from the divine power. All we have to do is ask. So take your right hand and put it on the back of your head & tilt your head back. Ask from your heart, "Mother, If I have done anything wrong, please forgive me." Again, repeat as many times as you need to.

Now when you are ready take your right hand and put the center of your palm on very top of your head. Spread your fingers wide, and face them backward, so they are going down the back of your head. Push down with some pressure and as you rotate clockwise (to the left and down) ask from your heart, "Mother, please give me the connection to my true self and let me feel that within myself, or (Mother, please give me my Self-Realization)." Repeat 7x.

Take down your hand and let it rest on your lap with the palm facing up. Now close your eyes and sit for as long as you like.


You decided to be a buzzkillington and ruin the whole damn joke gg jerk
See now you're spewing stuff at me and putting words in my mouth.

I didn't ruin the whole damn joke, I knew it was a joke, I'm sure everyone there knew, I didn't ruin it.
Stop trying to taking the smallest things and using them against me.

"some of it has to be with events"

Your absolute is still wrong and it will always be.