Author Topic: Takato14's Beta Vault  (Read 10681 times)

Here's the deal:

I've noticed that there were many rumors that I had left the game. These are all lies and I'm refuting these right now.

What IS true is that I have been very busy. Lately I have been utterly swamped with a mixture of homework from my Japanese class, scholarship forms, college applications, drivers training, ACT testing, and a whole forgetton of other things that I'm not even gonna bother getting into here. Whole point of the matter is, I have had NO time for modding. I've barely had any time to myself this week.

To make up for this inactivity, I am releasing BOTH of my current packs as they are, in a beta-stage. Please note that there <WILL> be issues that I haven't had time to fix or change.

Please note that the downloads are passworded to prevent people from downloading them from elsewhere.

The Uber-Weaponset

Link to the topic:
(If you download the beta, PLEASE do me a favor and bump the topic. It will make things easier for me in the long run.)


NOTE: This download is a zipped archive of individual add-ons. Extract the archive DIRECTLY to your add-ons folder, not to Blockland/Add-Ons/Package_Uberset/ (which the program will likely try to do automatically)

The Sword Pack

Link to the topic:
(If you download the beta, PLEASE do me a favor and bump the topic. It will make things easier for me in the long run.)


NOTE: This download is a zipped archive of individual add-ons. Extract the archive DIRECTLY to your add-ons folder, not to Blockland/Add-Ons/Package_Sword/ (which the program will likely try to do automatically)

PASSWORD(for both downloads): BLID16970

Final notes

If you guys find any problems with these, POST THEM IN THIS TOPIC. I will be checking back here when I get time to work and I will fix every error I find.

Known errors so far:

-- Uber-Rifle's scope doesn't work right
-- Four-Sword is dangerously glitched; can’t unmount it if you right-click

On a side note, unimplemented features (Homing for Uber-RYNO, duplication for four sword, etc) are NOT errors. I just haven't started them yet. Some weapons will be missing sounds, animations, etc. Just be patient. It will all come in due time.

Thanks for being patient with me, guys.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 08:31:21 PM by takato14 »

Both downloads lead to sword pack

Awesome, thanks.
So, return the favor?

(I'm sick of bumping the topics on my own....)

those guns of yours are still too high poly

whatever you may think otherwise.

imo just cut down on the detail and it will still be just as great as they are now. as models for FPS games not blockland, they would be excellent.

those guns of yours are still too high poly

whatever you may think otherwise.

imo just cut down on the detail and it will still be just as great as they are now. as models for FPS games not blockland, they would be excellent.
Not the place for this bullstuff. Go to the topics and post there if you have a complaint.

And Blockland IS an FPS. There is simply no support for client sided rendering of first-person models so the first person model must also be used for 3rd person. It's torque's stufftiness. Not my fault, and not my problem.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 08:11:04 AM by takato14 »

There is simply no support for client sided rendering of first-person models so the first person model must also be used for 3rd person. It's torque's stufftiness.
Maybe you could start a petition or something for Badspot to implement it.

Not the place for this bullstuff. Go to the topics and post there if you have a complaint.

There is simply no support for client sided rendering of first-person models so the first person model must also be used for 3rd person.
Uh, can't you use two models for one weapon?
I remember the invisibility watches, and there's parts of the script that allow for different models to be shown for each view.

What I think the watches do is have the different view model somewhere way off in the distance (or maybe inside the minifig) and when you switch to 1st person it changes the rendering offset. This is just a wild guess.

And I'm pretty sure badspot didn't give modders access to the rendering API, and I don't know what else you could use to control something like that.

Hi I enjoyed both of these will download :D

Maybe you could start a petition or something for Badspot to implement it.
I support this.

I'll attempt to keep this bumped if it goes too far back in the pages. :3