
We are going to make a new ship. choose the type below.

Passenger Ship
Capital Ship
Cruise Spaceship
None of the above [post your idea]

Author Topic: BLSA Recruiting.  (Read 1309 times)

Hello potential recruit, the BLSA is Block Lands Space Armada and we are looking for new members! We specialize in building spacecraft [for obvious reasons]. We have a growing number of new recruits every day and we are currently looking to fill the positions for..."Captain" "Private" "Recruitment Officer" and "Staff Sergeant" anyone interested in joining post below your....ID....special talent [such as Explosives, Stealth, Building, Leader] and why you would like to join us. Any recruit who meets our requirements will be contacted and brought to our private recruitment/training server and possibly brought into our growing clan. Positions are filling fast so i suggest you act NOW! Our current members are.... Jason15, Sgt. Blocky, War Monger [myself], Snickerz, Blockhead36001[FlamingNinja] and Solo Missionary. You will normally find me on blockland any time between 4-9 PM on weekdays. on the Weekends you can find me pretty much all day.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 03:20:58 PM by war monger »

Hey war its me SGT.Blocky and didnt i join your clan a while back?

I beleive you did. i will add you to my list

Please get a better layout. other wise people will give you a very bad time about it.

I know i know im trying to have someone make one up for me but im having a hard time.

I don't think you understand how logos work.

Can I do your layout for you?

Can I do your layout for you?
Sure id appreciate it ALOT use the logo i posted above as your starting place.

It's Zyber or Flaming Ninja, whoever the hell you want to call me, sign me up :3

It's Zyber or Flaming Ninja, whoever the hell you want to call me, sign me up :3
signed up.