Author Topic: I'm never breaking into a pool thanks to DyE  (Read 1718 times)

This video is freaking creepy. It's not surprising, though, considering I got there from a Containment Breach video.  :cookieMonster:

The video is here - watch at your own risk.

Don't have love, kids. Your friend will die and your eyes will set on fire.

Already been posted once or twice.


But i cannot masturbate to this.

seen this too many times, its very uncomfortable to watch

Oh looks interesting.
*weird stuff*
I'm not going to sleep.

/b/ - The Movie.

But yeah, I normally don't get freaked out by stuff like that, but that was the one video that scared the forget out of me.

what happened im too scared lol

what happened im too scared lol
everything was normal.
then it turned into /b/

I'm serious.

Saw it a while ago.
Some pretty weird stuff going on in that music video, no doubt about it

what is /b/ give me a description i dont trust links
at 10:00pm