Author Topic: JMatton Extremly Offensive.  (Read 16800 times)

I wouldn't normally do this but, JMatton ID 539, He's been building Swastikas and making the cross then setting it alight.... Its sorta offenceve. Pictures:

Some people need to get lifes...

You can get somebody banned from Blockland for saying the "N" word or talking about national socialists. There was even a national socialist clan...

Internet tribals are attention whoring friends.

immature little bastards, who are just joking around trying to have "fun" if it offends you, then if they ever are in a server where your admin kik them , i wouldnt recomend banning if they are joking . ive been on servers where they have done that stuff but they are not tribal they are joking but they take things to far sometimes. (isnt there some time in your life where you have made a tribal comment? be honest folks ;)..)

...isnt there some time in your life where you have made a tribal comment...
Not about/to anyone. Just the occasional reference to the race.

I make crosses and burn them sometimes, all in good fun of course, and I usually get rid of them.  :cookieMonster:

Wow...I'm an atheist and I don't even do this.

That, my friend, was Humble Water Filter Merchant.

follo crazy's example purposely insulting a race may be fun in your opinion but needs punishment listen if people do "jokes" like this in game and dont get punished theyll try it in real life then get possibly killed. w8 nvm itd be good if they get killed in real life but still not good person to have on your server

Why we let them kill them selves.
Why we must hack them computers.
Why we should have custom word filters? (I'm lazy to look.)

This is similar to USSR's church of Satan.
I hope you catch my drift and understand my point without any further explanation.

Let's be nice and build nukes to kill each other,and not the internet because that would be mean.

I was just waiting for someone to make a post about him.  :cookieMonster: