Author Topic: Runtime Error when Installing Blockland  (Read 1622 times)

I'm using the same computer I used to play with but I formatted it recently. The problem occurs after installing, when I open the game for the first time it starts downloading files until it reaches 444 (japan's inequivalent to 666, ironically). It freezes for a while then it gives me the usual runtime error.

I tried installing the Visual C++ packages, but no luck yet. I would appreciate it if I got some help.

Thanks in advance,

This may be unrelated, but try going to your Documents folder and deleting the entire Blockland folder.

Be sure to back up your saves if you have any!

This has happened to me many times, though I do suggest
try going to your Documents folder and deleting the entire Blockland folder.

Be sure to back up your saves if you have any!

been there done that, doesnt help

is there some kind of an offline installer I can use?

Go to Documents/Blockland and post the file called launcher.log.

I cant seem to be able to upload it on mediafire or rapidshare.

the size is 1gb, but when I compressed it it says it is around 600kb.

both sites rejected the file after uploading 30% of it

You have a 1gb launcher.log? It's a text file... There must be a lot of stuff in there.

i kno rite?

even after compression it is being rejected. it is 636kb exactly after compression.

OK it is uploaded now on

we put a compression of a compression of a file, so you can extract while you extract the file

Still trying to open it... Look at how much ram that's using!

told you its big. my notepad appears to be dead after I tried to maximize the window.

have some cookies to pass the time  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Opened it with Vim!

Anyway, here is a shortened version. This line is repeated about a hundred thousand times at the end of the log:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: BlobDownloadManager::processNextBlob() - bad active source '1' on blob
Log is attached.

I see, but how can I fix this, Or is it from the server itself and i have to wait it out?

Not sure. I sent a link to this topic to Badspot.


  • Administrator
Code: [Select]
ERROR: HTTP Status 302l on hash
This sort of thing should never happen.  Possibilities:

  • Temporary failure at amazon (hosting provider of Blockland cdn)
  • External interference from security software
  • External interference at ISP level for download "optimization" (ie attempts to redirect common downloads to a local proxy server)
  • External interference at ISP level from government censorship proxies.