
What do you think of this map?

7 (10.8%)
16 (24.6%)
18 (27.7%)
7 (10.8%)
17 (26.2%)

Total Members Voted: 65

Author Topic: Map - Gloom  (Read 36936 times)

A small map with lots of trees.
Did this before v21, so I might as well release it :/

Anyway, here it is.


Tell me if any problems.

NOTE: You might want to make your own save file for Gloom, because it does not have any.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 09:51:10 PM by Blockland1337 »

Fixed your image link.

Might want to smooth some of the terrain and give it better textures.

BTW sorry for random paint can, I did this somewhere at night.

Fixed your image link.

Might want to smooth some of the terrain and give it better textures.

Thanks for fixed link, Mega Bear!

EDIT: Might want to smooth some of the terrain You mean like use soft brush instead of hard?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 08:04:27 PM by Blockland1337 »

You're welcome to use the hard brush if you want to get some rough terrain, but I recommend going over the hard edges a little bit with the smooth brush to make it look a little more natural.

will this be included in v21?

will this be included in v21?
No, silly, because terrain and interiors are being removed in v21.

No, silly, because terrain and interiors are being removed in v21.
(already knows) aw crap :P

Has anyone downloaded?
actully yes cause i have a way one useing it after v21, not positive if ital work... hope it dose then i'll make a tourtoial
then i'll hope some one can make a client to ask what version you want to play b 4 opening BL

actully yes cause i have a way one useing it after v21, not positive if ital work... hope it dose then i'll make a tourtoial
then i'll hope some one can make a client to ask what version you want to play b 4 opening BL
Tell me what the way is and I'll determine if it will work

this topic is about the map not v21
It's only like, 3 off topic posts. It won't hurt anybody.

It's only like, 3 off topic posts. It won't hurt anybody.
it hurts me idk if ur suppost to be on a previous verson

it hurts me idk if ur suppost to be on a previous verson
you're offtopic right now cigarette