Author Topic: Bjwaymods went down!  (Read 2718 times)

Attention Bjwaymods had went down so now all files that have to be uploaded to Mediafire or other uploading sites! I dont know why Bjwaymods went down :( (I noticed it today)

quotes bisjac:

"so what, use one of the other million better ones"

You Fail. Theres the real Bjwaymods topic just a vew topics below this one. The Admin Police will now hunt you down.

quotes bisjac:

"so what, use one of the other million better ones"


I know I am dUMBELLS.

or am I?lolatyouforhavingtoquotethis

I know I am dUMBELLS.

or am I?lolatyouforhavingtoquotethis
Laugh away.

I didnt quote. I Copy and Pasted. :cookieMonster: