Author Topic: Flat shading in MS3D  (Read 2987 times)

I still have no idea how it is done. All I need is one clear answer then this gets the lock.

Thank you for helping. :nes:

Go to Tools/ Tile Texture Mapper... do not change the settings just hit okay.

One more thing, you may need to go to Edit/ Select All, first.

Sorry for triple post but does that mean you are done with the AKS? If so, we should post both of our version in the same topic and see which is better... I am almost done with mine.

Wrong person =D

No, I haven't started.
I'll get it done this hour.

Go to Tools/ Tile Texture Mapper... do not change the settings just hit okay.
That only makes it "look" flat shaded in MS3D not in game.

Unweld vertices might be the same.

I also need a clear answer here. I've tried the Tile Texture Mapper thing, didn't work at all. I've also tried assigning smoothing groups, left/right to one group, front/back to one etc. It looks perfect in milkshape, but when I export it it looks horrible in blockland. So, do I have to do something special when I export it to get it flat shaded in blockland?

I've tried that one too. It didn't work, but it's probably very outdated:

Oct 8 2003, 09:21 PM

Strange..., tile texture mapping worked for me...

Strange..., tile texture mapping worked for me...
Did you use a texture?

Flat shading for Blockland is more complicated, you have to do "every odd Triangle" its hard to explain.

Never worked for me either.

You all do have milkshape right?