
Which one would you want?

Terrains and Interiors
16 (17.2%)
Shadows and Shaders
77 (82.8%)

Total Members Voted: 93

Author Topic: Shadows and Shaders vs Terrains and Interiors????  (Read 3310 times)

I believe terrains and interiors are the reason why we don't see many good builds today. People are always relying on them to do the creating for them, making their servers look more "fun" while still being lazy asses.
completely false. making what can be done in one terrain map will not play the same as remaking it out of bricks. it's not being lazy, it's using a feature given to you in the game. 0/10 crap excuse

Skis will die a slow, painful death

Skis will die a slow, painful death

It's not like they are ever used anyways.

Anything that terrain does can be done better by a brick.

Anything that terrain does can be done better by a brick.


Driving up and down hills

everything that can and has to be said already has been... 20 times
including the fact that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks because it's going to happen
although, as has been demonstrated time and time again in these threads, the majority of people support the change anyway

Anything that terrain does can be done better by a brick.
ignorant and incorrect.
It's not like they are ever used anyways.

FYI/BTW for the people who are saying that interiors and terrains lag less and more bricks will lag more:

This is exactly the reason why they're not JUST adding shadows and shaders, they're also improving how the game itself will run. Most likely, in the coming v21 update, it will only lag if you have a really really really really stuff/old computer.

Heed is probably going to disagree with everything I just said.

Terrains and interiors pretty much motivate people that are crappy builders to build

With all the building games coming out the game needs a big change to actually get more people.

maybe players will actually learn to build from this.

FYI/BTW for the people who are saying that interiors and terrains lag less and more bricks will lag more:

This is exactly the reason why they're not JUST adding shadows and shaders, they're also improving how the game itself will run. Most likely, in the coming v21 update, it will only lag if you have a really really really really stuff/old computer.

Heed is probably going to disagree with everything I just said.
bricks don't lag. the problem is, a lot of bricks do and they become a hassle to manage. saving them, ghosting them, loading them. if large brick terrains will replace the standard ones we have now, there really does have to be changes.