Author Topic: One million bricks.  (Read 2433 times)

friend, i believe we live in the same house!

How the hell do you get that many bricks?

How the hell do you get that many bricks?

overwrite plant protection ;D

friend, i believe we live in the same house!

I live in a dark gloomy basement. Perhaps you're onto something..

With that many bricks, it must have lagged like crap.

With that many bricks, it must have lagged like crap.

nope. it ended up taking up like 2.4 gb of ram tho :/

nope. it ended up taking up like 2.4 gb of ram tho :/
Because you didn't ghost them all

yup :P
This is so everyone else on the topic knows, you cannot ghost more than 256k objects. They can be there, and they can exist, but if you ghost more you will crash.

This is so everyone else on the topic knows, you cannot ghost more than 256k objects. They can be there, and they can exist, but if you ghost more you will crash.

we got to about 290k~ before they didn't start to render

"if you ghost more you will crash." - if this was so then the number of bricks in the server would be substantially lower...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 11:38:25 AM by Gambsy »

  • start dedicated server
  • for loop with range 999999
  • inner contained for loop with range 999999
  • create brick inside previously mentioned loop
  • suddenly 999998000001 bricks

"if you ghost more you will crash." - if this was so then the number of bricks in the server would be substantially lower...
No it wouldn't

Plenty bricks can exist, but the current engine cannot handle more than 256k ghosted bricks

No it wouldn't

Plenty bricks can exist, but the current engine cannot handle more than 256k ghosted bricks

yes but you said it would "crash" at over that limit. Clearly it doesn't